I like the sleek look, however I'm not fond of the shape of the lipstick itself, reminds me of the little kid play make-up.
hopefully they have some new items, and a wider selection of colors.
happy hiccupy drunk!
I think the last time I actually drank enough to have my eldest brother baby-sitting me (from affar... I get a little too flirty so he was keeping an eye on the man that insisted on footing the tab for my rum and cokes) was November, I had the hiccups (as I always do when...
something near the Hearst Castle would be a great excuse for a road trip :)
and an excuse to go oogle over deliciously gaudy items I could never afford in that gorgeous setting!
if and when I use mascara I only do the uppers, and then lightly on the bottom outer lashes, otherwise (with my eyelashes being a dark brown) I end up with two-tone lashes since the mascara is usually brown-black, or just black.
anybody else use a spoon to curl their lashes? a friend of mine...
as a latch-key kid I didn't learn table manners from Mom (who was always at work), also definately not from my older brothers who frequented 7-11 and the Pizza shop next to it for just about every meal.
Grandma did, however, let me know that:
1. we wait to eat until all are seated with...
sad, sad day.
:offtopic: well ladies, I'm actually here (didn't know where else to post) to give first dibs on some Besame that I've ordered, that I am not going to be using, in fact it has resided in the boxes it arrived in since I got it, though all items have been opened to ensure it was the...
I wish for good health and job security, as well as affordable schooling (not just for myself, for everybody!)
oh also:
gift cards for joann fabrics, barnes and noble, and target, possibly some new comfy shoes and a new sweater or two (knitted by the gramma if I can talk her into it!).
eep! I am always on the prowl for a good mascara (as most of us are!), but that thing just looks like a waste of money. I love the dramatic look on the eyes but I'd much rather use my spoon curler, and black mascara (currently the besame 1930's which I'm totally loving).
after watching that...
don't quite know if this is the right thread to post this in.
Etta James!
she's actually playing on Dec. 13 at the Nokia Theater, I've already got my ticket :)
oh they're great about that, they're such a friendly family, her son and daughter were friends with one of my older brothers, so when I go in it's almost a mini reunion. I don't recall her shop on Foothill, but I do remember when she got the Myrtle shop, and the tall ladder I sat atop painting...
I've got one, I don't know if it's been previously mentioned as I didn't go too far back into the thread...
patent leather EVERYTHING!
I've been looking for a nice pair of shoes and a new purse for weeks and everything I find looks like it's been shalacked twice over.
my 2 orders had a ship cost of 12 each jusy about. both orders were over 100 maybe it
both of my orders came to about 12 each for shipping. I am loving the 1930s mascara! if I hadn't just gave up my right arm and left leg for school books I'd definately be buying more goodies!
it does have the smell of roses, which I love! I have really sensitive skin as well, and acne prone so I was worried to try it, but only my cheeks have the dry areas. I upped my water intake and stopped drinking really any soda, and re-stopped smoking :eusa_doh: since I failed at the last recent...
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