I was watching an old Youtube video the other day and heard a baseball umpire use the term "We're in the jackpot here". I remembered hearing the phrase before but didn't know what it meant until I looked it up.
One phrase that I have not heard in the last 15 years or so is something needing "a woman's touch"; meaning needing the input of feminine style or taste. Most likely due to the blatant sexism that it implies in this day and age.
Also, I don't hear "People will talk" or "Let 'em talk" referring...
That is EXACTLY what I meant; people using "legalese" without really understanding the words that they are throwing around.
Archie Bunker is a prime example.
People used to sometimes use "ipso facto" in general conversation to conclude their arguments, usually people without any legal training. This was usually proceeded by either the word "therefore" or "ergo".
One that's fallen out of use is "Don't worry about him, that guy's got it knocked"; which I took to mean having it taken care of. I used to say it all of the time in my teens, but I just read it in a novel this week and it brought it back.
"Pinch" doesn't see much use these days. Too bad, it was pretty versatile.
If you were in a bit of trouble, you were in a pinch.
If you got pinched, you were arrested.
Certain items would "do in a pinch".
Someone could put the pinch on you for money (same as putting the bite on someone but...
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