David - lovely Milan. I must try and find a vintage Milan before next Summer.
Charlie - great colour and a great tilt.
Andy - I'm really enjoying those Champs - they look great on you. Thanks for the comment on the christys' - the vintage ones are nice hats (the new ones aren't bad, but the...
Mike - it also means only one box to smuggle past my wife :D
Good choices (although I love my Tawny Fawn). I'd have been tempted by the Carbon Grey if I didn't have a Squatter in Steel on the 3 month order (I think Steel and Carbon grey are pretty muh the same colour).
Yes it does - although you could easily remove it (only tacked in with a few blobs of glue).
Just ordered a Moonstone & Dark Brown - I couldn't decide which and convinced myself that the saving on combined shipping made sense over spreading the purchases ;)
Knox Premier.
A cheap ebay gamble. Liner and sweat are in great condition. Felt is generally very good, apart from mothing on the brim. I think the lighter tracks should be okaywith a pin, steam and pounce, but there's one divot near the bow that I'll have to attempt to fill.
No idea on the...
Mike great Lee. Thanks for bumping the thread too!
A few of my stingies:
Failsworth 'Rodney' (probably late 60's):
Rehfus Featherlight (late 60's again?):
Mallory 'Stowaway' (50's?):
Cavanagh 'Louis' (50's/60's?):
HCB - great Knox
Eric - I love that granite grey colour - very versatile.
winter_joe - that's a real beauty.
Mike - That's a great stingy. I enjoy wider brims, but there's something about stingies I find fun.
Joao - The Resistol looks great on you.
AL - great photos and great hats. Still straw weather here too.
TJones. Great job on the Stetson restoration and nice donegal.
Andy - a pair of great champs.
dh66 - fun resistol.
Sam - congratulations!
David - glad you're reunited. I'm not sure the two hat look will start a trend though ;)...
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