dh66 - nice stingy
Joao - great photos again - I always enjoy seeing your landscape. Looking good in the Stetson too.
A Saturday trip to the local wildlife park with a niece:
Christys Linen 8 piece.
Eric - great hat and great photos. Beer in plastic glasses though - the curse of festivals :)
Shangas - looks good
Andy - Nice hat, and Shropshire Blue is a good choice (cheese is one of the reasons my waistline refuses to reduce).
Manfred - great hat for the hunt - good luck!
Mikko - Nice...
David - The Stetson looks good.
Andy - I'm enjoying the jewellery shots.
Jeff - Lovely ultrafino
TJ - It looks good regardless of what it's made of. I've got a couple of woolies I still enjoy wearing.
Tom - Looks great - lovely felt.
Manfred - great Homburg, and a great look all round.
Firstly welcome.
Your's is probably the standard Australian model. They don't generally have chin strap hooks.
For UK buyers, buying direct from Australia is generally the cheapest way.
A lot of people do carefully remove the liner - they can easily be reattached with glue or stitches.
Winter_joe - that's a real beauty, lovely colour.
g.d. - The Dallas looks great - nice ribbon/felt combination.
Mike - looks good - hope the dental treatment (and bill!) wasn't too painful.
Thanks Andy (and to Steve & Manfred) - very slim pickings hat wise over here - bowlers and homburgs aren't too difficult to find, but mainly 6 7/8 or smaller... This was an ebay purchase, I've only found one vintage hat worth buying in a bricks and mortar store in my size.
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