How very wonderful and heartwarming! Thanks so much for posting this. It's not right that they weren't recognized for their war effort. A sign of the time I guess! [huh]
Before I discovered my curls, I always wanted Winnie Cooper's hair. Not so much anymore but I still think it's really pretty and I wouldn't mind at least having her length! ;)
Oh cool, haven't been to Rockland in quite a few years. Yes, I am a fellow Maniac. ;) I'm in Limington which is about 25 miles west of Portland. Nice to meet you :)
Yeah, go Mickey! :D They had an interview on TCM from '97. It was quite interesting to watch. Vigorous indeed!
Sorry for the sidetrack but since I can't view profiles or private message yet, I'll have to ask my question here. LizzieMaine, am I correct in assuming your in Maine? If so, whereabouts?
Oh, and just so this post isn't totally off topic, you mentioned Mickey Rooney. They've been showing the...
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