One more crazy thought to throw into the mix. it occurs to me that a person who truly feels displaced in time, and finds refuge in the past, but is not a mere collector, would not find such joy in acquiring the just right 30s suit, or victrola or phone. they would simply live as best they could...
While I know no one will probabably like it, I would propose the term "Vintage Lifestyle reenactors" In the same way that a civil war or ww 2 reeneactor reenacts that, These people reenact the whole lifestyle. Not an simple short word, but accurate, and I think has nice ring and should be...
While they aren't exactly the same thing, political conservativsm and cultural conservatism, they are related. While many liberals value family, thriftiness, etc, i would suggest hat it would be just as well if people avoided both political discussion, as well as values. there are many people...
Come to think of it, an article on this subject, given the thread that ensued, seems ill fated on a website that encourages everyone to edit as they see fit.
Ha, that's what I have been thinking. Atavist sounds like avatar, the movie or the on line presence, and anachronist will sound like anarchist. Although anyone who knows who Sacco and Vanzetti are probably won't need explanation of what you are about.
And i agree. If I ever decide to don...
I don't see the problem. Like most threads, this thread became what it will, with little respect to the original intent. that is the nature of the internet.
If the intent was to find a word strictly, then a poll would have been in order.
What it became was far more interesting in my...
I thought it went for hundreds or something. Seems a bit much, but not much more than guys typically will pay for a new shirt, and probably only twenty five or so over what I would expect. Two bidders who like it iin particular is all it takes.
I think that the most negative thing about living a lower class existance of the vintage era would not be so much having less stuff, although to an average american it would be. But back in the day, it would have been not having money for the things you really need. And I hope no atavists feel...
So, Mr. Jones, that is an interesting um, outfit you have.
Yeah, I am an atavist.
Oh, you mean one of those people who live their lives as if they lived in the past? very well. I have heard of that.
Not exactly, you see, while I am a person who lives that way, an atavist is someone...
Makes a lot of sense. But if I ever decide to live a vintage lifestyle, I think I will prefer it to be that of a wealthy international playboy, rather than a depression era migrant worker. But hey, to each his own.
Yes, I would love to hear from a 70s or 80s guy who is so alienated with modern culture, and has such a fondness for the attitudes, culture, and mores of that era, that they choose to live a full on vintage lifestyle. That would be so fun.
Maybe I missed it, but where does it say that this is about motives. I understood it to be about full time vintage living.
If you got 100 ativists in the same room you may find it hard to find the same motivation amongst any two of them.
And I dare say, while I don't know him, the...
I guess now that I think of it, I seem to be lobbying for the term or concept not to be strictly limited to attitude or outlook. Because, while I do not anymore, I once was close and actually contemplated going full atavist in lifestyle. yet, I never gave a second thought to the values...
True, I say political, but I meant more about attitude, such as that in the past people worked hard had good values, didn't waste bla bla bla. I don't think that is necessarily a part of it. Obviously, it is the senators concept to define and characterize. But do you think there needs to be...
Not sure what you mean by count. I am sure your opinion is valued here. And I make no claim to be the decider of who is or isn't an ativist. I am just saying that an atavist may well be partly defined by the ownership and use of specific things of the era. Consumerist or not, it seems to be...
Not so sure. Would an ex punk rocker who creates a perfect vintage lifestyle down to the toothpaste, maybe even as a statement of anti modern culture, or just for the fun or punk rockness of it, but had progressive political views, and did not care at all about "values of the past" not be at rue...
Firstly, I see no reason why an atavist can't be a wisecracking, incorrigable rude shelfish ne'er do well. Certainly that is a vintage archetype.
Having or using manners does not seem any particular halmark of the vintage atavist.
granted, since we get most of our conception from Hollywood...
Yes, but being frugle, eating at home, sewing your own clothes, buying or finding used furniture, reading books, going for walks in the park and scuh are not the halmark of an ativist. They are the halmark of being old fashioned or living a simple life.
An atavist is more than that, aren't...
With all due respect, you may have a somewhat romanticized concept of the past. Of course, you know life was not always easy. But there were no shortage of people that considered the times immoral, vulgar, cheap, etc. many longed for the good old days of the 1800s, when life was simple, good...
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