Oh I have a book here somewhere in my collection called something like "The History of Superman", which is basically little more then a "compilation album", with copies of the original stories from the Golden Age all the way up to John Bryne's reboot after the Crisis on Infinite Earths. That is...
As far as the setting goes Atlas Shrugged can be said to be in an alternate future. There are certain technological improvements that haven't happen yet such as Rearden Metal. On the other hand their is anachronistic aspects of the book, of example radio is still the dominate media form, and...
As Edgar Allen Poe said in Some Word with A Mummy,
It's one thing to stand up for ideals of justice, its another to believe that our generation will succeed where every other has failed. Our time will pass and we won't be any closer to universal justice. I just think your a bit idealistic...
In the end I believe we all get what we deserve. In my mind a man like Hitler not ultimately being punished by a higher being, or ending up having the same end result as a Mother Theresa is an unbearable idea. I'd have a hard time having much love for life if I didn't believe that in the end the...
lol. Say what you will, but it took a lot of different skills to make that headless chair you don't like :p. I don't know if their are to many individuals alive today who could build it. You'd have to make a frame, which requires more skill with woodwork then one would think, then you'd have to...
Since their was some interest in it from the "mystery" file, I figured we'd have a little talk about one of the most famous serial killers of all time. I know it's a little older then the golden age, but I still think it would be a good story.
Jacob Levy my personal choice.
So what are my main...
You can put up a sign that says "winnie the pooh" in the seat, and have a honey pot next to his face. lol You'll scare every kid from here to the Appalachian mountains. lol To mean? Maybe, but kinda funny to.
Wrong? Heck no, there is a lot of talent shown with that piece :p. I'll have one made for you when I order mine rue. :p lol
I've seen people make a bear rug before, but the talent to make that chair really does impress me.
That chair looks awesome lol. Sorry, but it would look great in a game room. Combining the skills of a woodworker, with a fur tanning, and possibly early taxidermy, very impressive. Very cool one day I may try to have one made.
I'm not. I was comparing something seen as a social obligation with another kind of social obligation. Some people think farmers are social obligated to protect certain endangered wild life that is on their property.Others think companies have a social obligation to open up a day care center for...
Another man to admire. I personally have never heard of Mr. Feuerstein, but I do have admiration for Jon Huntsman Sr. I don't think either men simply got into business though in order to do good works, I imagine it was to create wealth. In Mr. Huntsman's case it was also to show what a real...
Oh I agree with the fact that nobody would have openly said that in 1935, but I do think the majority of businessmen and women of any age generally thought that a business' main responsibility was to the people who owned it. They may also argue that said business is a plus for the community...
I know this question is for Pompidou, but isn't it a general fact that the more successful the lawyer the more expensive the clothes? Every time I seen a lawyer just wearing a tie and shit, he is on a late night infomercial asking something like "Have you ever chewed on asbestos thinking it was...
Well I'm not suggesting that the Victorian police would have done it out of love for the Jewish community there, but a race war in your city is bad no matter the era. I could see the police fearing their being an outrage towards the Jewish Community if a Jew had done the crime at the time, and...
Indeed, we could go on and on about this or that with regards to the history, and what aspects are right and wrong when it comes to the struggle of the private and public sectors. We can debate economic theories, and in the end be bored out of minds. Nothing endues sleep faster then economic...
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