While idly browsing the Internet instead of doing my work, I stumbled across what may be the best essay ever written on the subject of being a nerd in the disfunctional society known as high school.
It's very long and just as enlightening.
See http://www.paulgraham.com/nerds.html
Philippe Entremont
Where the classical repertoire is concerned, I've long been fond of Philippe Entremont's interpretations of my favorites.
I remember newsreels.
They used to show a newsreel between shows at the walk-in and the drive-in both. To be fair, they probably weren't any more informative than the stories on TV news today, but I enjoyed them.
You can find some newsreels on the Internet Archive at...
Are we ever going to get the quiz answer?
I haven't been able to figure this out. I did find that William Powell and Joseph Cotten both played Uncle Charlie in Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt. (Powell on radio, Cotten on film.) I can't see a Cary Grant connection there.
So what is it?
The legend around here is that Irish Coffee was invented at the Buena Vista on Hyde Street, SF. (See http://www.thebuenavista.com/irishcoffee.html) The controversy lately has been over whether changing the Irish whiskey they use has ruined the original recipe.
Back on topic, I prefer small...
Eubie Blake
See http://chnm.gmu.edu/courses/magic/saloon/blake.html and hear http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/listenwatch/0,,404983,00.html#artist_name
He may be less well known, but I'd also like to nominate Rod Miller. He played for years at Disneyland. See...
Alternative to Flipping Platters
I agree that the nostalgia of flipping platters gets old after a while. An alternative is to digitize your discs so you can listen to them on the computer or MP3 player en masse. It also saves wear and tear on the original vinyl (or shellac in this case, I...
More Recipes to Try
I see the Fluff website offers a cookbook as a freely-downloadable pdf at http://marshmallowfluff.com/media/pdf/yummybook.pdf
I saw the west coast equivalent, Kraft Jet-Puffed, at the store this evening after reading this thread. I only resisted buying it after hearing my...
Where no mayor has gone before.
I was browsing the Internet Movie Archive this morning and ran across a film of San Francisco Mayor Angelo Rossi's call for order and an end to the 1934 riot. See http://www.archive.org/details/ssfROSSI
Mayor Rossi's speech reminds me of a bad Captain Kirk...
The place looks great. The website certainly does.
Between now and Bing's San Diego opening in 2008, those of you in the San Diego area may wish to visit Milton's restaurant in the Flower Hill Mall on Via De La Valle in Del Mar, across the freeway from the Del Mar Racetrack.
Milton's has...
But they're cousins, identical cousins all the way...
One pair of matching bookends, different as night and day.
That song was so catchy, I still catch it as an ear worm from time to time. What, 40-some years later?
Here's My Weirdness
I happened across Emperor Norton's monument once while taking Aunt Lil around on her annual visit to the graves of friends and relatives in Colma. I did recognize the significance of that headstone because, as mentioned previously, his highness has not been forgotten in the...
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