Thank goodness you are here!
I am new too. Happy reading, and falling into the threads! There is SO MUCH! I get lost every day!
Sincerely, Sandi
Drew B: Yep!! Unfortunately, I don't save very well!
If you're in the area: I just came from the Tigard Value Village, there are a handful of men's vintage jackets there. A large bespoke suit that is dated '93, but looks older, a jacket dated 1963, and one that is unmistakably 50's.
Thought I might introduce myself, I did in the "Powder Room", and lately believed I should pop on here!
My name is Sandi, I am a vintage clothing dealer and all around eyeball!
Forgot to say....
I forgot to say, THANK YOU! for this comment: "I don't begrudge her whatever markup she makes on my purchases."
Many individuals do not feel this way.
Personally, if I want or like an item VERY much, little will stand in my way of purchasing it. I do not think about the...
Thrift shopping...
That's what I do! Though, I would like to be able to point out to individuals what I see on my rounds, and suggest a place to look for items, they themselves may seek. I have only started on this idea, with this thread!
Thank you sir!
I believe your little...
SlyGI: My comment had little to do with gate crashing. It had more to do with individuals looking down their nose at other individuals for not being a "true": hippie, goth, punk, fashionista, etc.
Carlisle Blues: ^That's what I meant. ^
Foofoogal: I'll link them up! Thank you!!
Also, a...
Since I am unemployed, I have had to rely on my antique mall space, and etsy more. I am constantly doing thrift shop rounds in the Portland, area. Which means I hit at least two Goodwills, if not three DAILY. And spend HOURS combing them.
For guys in the Portland area: I have seen...
Miss Christina...
San Francisco has many stores that offer vintage. Sadly I don't remember any particular one!
I do recall a Goodwill store in Burlingame (south of San Francisco) that I visited whenever I went. And there is a shop in Burlingame called "All That Glitters", that...
Pocket books...
Oh my gosh! I picked up a bunch of those recently! I don't have any of Mr. Stanley's at home right now, but Mr. Runyon's measures 4 1/4" x 6 3/8". (A Graphic Book, paperback)
If that helps!
You are so FABULOUS! I love the way you put an outfit together! Bravo!
:offtopic: And that Tim Curry! *GUSH!*
The movie he did with Stallone, "Uncle Oscar", or some such thing, he was SO good. He made everyone look absolutely...???!!!! And I saw Annie a while ago as an adult...
I am getting a late 60's early 70's, inclination. The plastic floral arrangement screams 70's at me, for some reason.
Just my two pence! :)
Etsy shop.
Thank you for this opportunity!
My name is Sandi, I offer men's, women's, books, fabric, and strange instruments! Whenever I can find them!
I just picked these up from the cobbler, they had a crack in the sole. I cannot say I like his choice of sole, though I think it will be easier on my feet! :)
I just need to paint the heels, they are of a different fabric and faded to a brown.
And I need to find a couple of rhinestones to...
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