If your coat has holes in it from trips to the cleaners, then you've taken it to the cleaners far too often. Trenchcoats are outerwear, get them cleaned once every few years, max. Who cares if they get a bit dirty, that's their purpose.
You want to buy a new coat? Why not buy a used one? All...
I should add that sometimes practical utility features, like those loops, are part of the appeal of certain garments. I might not always like those details, and I might think they look naff or could have been better executed, but they were there for a reason and I think that has value/appeal in...
This is sort of a plastic surgery question... Yeah, I like big boobs, but I would never, ever want a woman to get implants. Nature is a better designer than we can ever be. You're not going to "improve" it by removing that jacket's back belt loop. Sell it to someone who wants it 100% intact and...
Thanks for the explanation of that scene. By the way, what you refer to as decolourized is what here in N America we would call "stone", basically a near-white.
Great looking jackets, thanks for posting. Interesting to see the leather version looks good: other cloth jackets have been made in leather and they just don't translate, like USN peacoats.
Recently I've been slowly working my way through The Sandbaggers, a British spy tv show from the late 1970s and early 1980s. It's unquestionably some of the best tv I've ever seen. It's smart, well written, and extremely well cast. It's mostly a talkie, with some action here and there, the polar...
There's no doubt it would have been a catastrophic mistake. On the other hand, from the photos I've seen, Cooper's military jackets don't appear much different than their civilian jackets, so maybe it might not have been catastrophic after all.
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