Can we see a picture of you?
I want to see if you actually look like a crook =P.
It happened only once.
I fit the description of an escaped armed convict.
My height & build, both parent’s first names, first six of my social security
numbers were the same as this felon.
Plus I looked familiar to the cops, but they weren’t sure where they had seen
me before.
I was at a driver’s license office renewing some details about my license card.
Two officers came up to the clerk on her side.
I didn’t think much of that.
But then three more approached me.
One on each side & one behind me.
For an instant, I was thinking if there was a speeding
violation or parking ticket I had forgotten.
But I couldn’t recall of one. I was confused &
wondering “wtf" had I done to be in this situation.
The whole place became very quiet.
All eyes wide eyed staring at me.
I was “escorted" to another room.
I was “frisked” & told to sit down & place my hands on the table.
I was about to ask why but was told to keep my mouth shut,
adding that they were not going to tell me again so nicely.
In the first minutes, I felt like they were handling the situation as
to provoke me to resist so that they could apply physical harm.
I avoided that by complying.
I was not finger printed, but finally after what seemed like forever,
the mood changed.
They found out that the convict had been apprehended.
They asked where I worked. I told them at a television news station as a
cameraman. One of my jobs was to cover crime stories & police conferences.
That’s where they had seem me before.
They apologized.
I was not so much angry as I was happy that it was over.
I asked them to give me their card, in case this might happen again.
They asked me if I wanted to leave by another exit to avoid embarrassment.
I told them no, I had no reason for doing that since I hadn’t done
anything embarrassing.
What ever paper work required with my license was done immediately
with no hassle.
Now I know what it takes to expedite things of this nature & avoid
a long waiting in line!![]()
The fact that they didn't bother to check whether the bad guy was in custody before doing that to you in front of others and restraining you exhibited a reckless disregard for your rights under law. I commend you for being so magnanimous. I might have been inclined to contact legal counsel and gone after them.
I had a similar incident when I was in my early 20s. We were in my friends blue 68 Mustang, when we were pulled over. Several officers had us get out, then started questioning us, turns out we fit the description of two robbers, down to the color of the car. They got the call that the perps were apprehended, and we were sent on our way. What made this scary was, a couple of weeks earlier, this same police department had a teenage boy face down on the side of the road when one of the officers shotguns went off, killing the boy. The whole time, I just kept looking at the one officers nickel platted revolver and thinking, this isn't good! Like you, we gave them absolutely no grounds to escalate the situation, just the facts mam!The bad guy was apprehended at about the same time I was being interrogated.
Finger printing was the next thing but there was no need.
As I said before, I was not going to give them any reason or action that they
would have to use force on me. That said, if they had still abused me
physically even though I was complying, perhaps I might have followed with
legal action.
The escaped convict was armed & had previous criminal records.
The officers had to react in such a manner to prevent innocent folks
from being hurt.
As soon as they found out, the whole atmosphere changed.
I was happy that the matter was cleared up.
As a news photo. covering many events, I salute all the women & men in the police & fire departments
who are out there every day under very stressful, live threatening situations.
This is why I hate any corruption, graft, petty arrogance or other similar behavior from any police or firemen - it besmirches all of them which is horribly unfair to the 99+% who don't engage in those actions.
The most noble officer of the law is the one who refuses to follow an order he knows is wrong.