Y'all have some very cool vanities. I redid my bedroom about a year ago from a Moroccan theme with reds and golds to a 30s starlet type bedroom with light creamy colors. The furniture I bought (lingerie chest, night table, desk that I'm using as the vanity) was actually in the kids section and as a 31 year old woman I felt a little silly buying it but it was exactly what I wanted and since it's kids furniture it's not huge and my room isn't very big. The desk had a hutch but I didn't get it since I was going to use it for a vanity. I collect movie mags from the 20s-40s and in one I have from the early 30s they were showing some actress's boudoirs and some of them were using tables with mirrors hanging over them so that's where I got the idea.
I bought the sun thing at Ross for about $10 bucks and spray painted it a muted gold and I got the mirror for about $20 at Lowe's. I got the stool at Target.
My stepdad picked up the head vase on the shelf that looks like Veronica Lake at a garage sale for .50 cents. I've had the pink heart shaped box next to her since I was a kid and the pink flower thingee at the edge of it is something my mom has had since I was a kid and she didn't have a place for it anymore so I nabbed it. The pink plate next to it is from the '30s and was part of the Econo-Rim line that was mass produced for diners. These were very sturdy dishes since they would have been used pretty heavily and mine is in mint condition and is from one of of their lines that had color and it has a single rose on it. The hands with rings are new but look vintage and I got them for $7 at Ross and hot glued the ribbon around them.
The pink trinket box on the shelf says "Pearls" in pretty cursive and I got it at an antique store and I actually do keep pearls in it. The thing next to it is a powder holder and it says talc and has a cork on the bottom and I got it at the same antique store. The pink flower on the corner is part of the set I pilfered from Mom.
Here's a closeup of the hands and the ring on the pinky on the one on the right was my paternal grandmother's wedding ring and she left it to me when she passed away when I was two. The bird is another thing I took from Mom and she got it as a wedding present in '73 but I think it has a 30s look and I've always loved it.
The bottle in the middle and the one on the right are from an antique store and so is the Elgin American compact. The other stuff is new.
Everything here is vintage except for the Tangee lipstick that I got from the Vermont Country Store. I was so disappointed though b/c on me it looks hot pink
. None of the powder boxes have ever been used and the Tangee rouge was a travel size that was meant to be carried around for touchups and it's still full and smells wonderful. The tin in the middle was a sample of some Tangee night cream and it's empty.
I got these a little over a decade ago at an antique store and they are heavy and real nice. The mirror is perfect and the bristles of the comb and brush are in great shape too.
This is an awesome 1920's leather purse with an Egyptian theme (two things I love - the 20s and ancient Egypt) and it's in very nice condition inside and out.
I keep all my earrings in an organizer in the top drawer. I don't actually use this for makeup since I do that in the bathroom and since I'm uber-organized and neat I wouldn't like it if it got all messy. This is more for show like you would seen in an old movie or something like that.
I bought the sun thing at Ross for about $10 bucks and spray painted it a muted gold and I got the mirror for about $20 at Lowe's. I got the stool at Target.

My stepdad picked up the head vase on the shelf that looks like Veronica Lake at a garage sale for .50 cents. I've had the pink heart shaped box next to her since I was a kid and the pink flower thingee at the edge of it is something my mom has had since I was a kid and she didn't have a place for it anymore so I nabbed it. The pink plate next to it is from the '30s and was part of the Econo-Rim line that was mass produced for diners. These were very sturdy dishes since they would have been used pretty heavily and mine is in mint condition and is from one of of their lines that had color and it has a single rose on it. The hands with rings are new but look vintage and I got them for $7 at Ross and hot glued the ribbon around them.

The pink trinket box on the shelf says "Pearls" in pretty cursive and I got it at an antique store and I actually do keep pearls in it. The thing next to it is a powder holder and it says talc and has a cork on the bottom and I got it at the same antique store. The pink flower on the corner is part of the set I pilfered from Mom.

Here's a closeup of the hands and the ring on the pinky on the one on the right was my paternal grandmother's wedding ring and she left it to me when she passed away when I was two. The bird is another thing I took from Mom and she got it as a wedding present in '73 but I think it has a 30s look and I've always loved it.

The bottle in the middle and the one on the right are from an antique store and so is the Elgin American compact. The other stuff is new.

Everything here is vintage except for the Tangee lipstick that I got from the Vermont Country Store. I was so disappointed though b/c on me it looks hot pink

I got these a little over a decade ago at an antique store and they are heavy and real nice. The mirror is perfect and the bristles of the comb and brush are in great shape too.

This is an awesome 1920's leather purse with an Egyptian theme (two things I love - the 20s and ancient Egypt) and it's in very nice condition inside and out.

I keep all my earrings in an organizer in the top drawer. I don't actually use this for makeup since I do that in the bathroom and since I'm uber-organized and neat I wouldn't like it if it got all messy. This is more for show like you would seen in an old movie or something like that.