Yeah, my wife and I were laughing about the fact NOTG got 3.6 on Internet Movie Data Base and my wife said "that high, dern this must be his biggest one yet." LOL
Here's the conclusion we came to, after seeing all but one of his films. "His ideas for the movies were really great, however he wasn't as good with actually working it out on film, as he did on paper." Plus his "company" of actors/actresses tried their hardest but unfortunately that wasn't their field of expertise.There was 1 guy in NOTG, playing a Captain. He was a writer, producer, and stuntman in several successful westerns. Must have paid like $100 dollars for that guy!
An fyi, the book by Geoffrey Ward is excellent!The documentary film entitled 'Jack Johnson: Unforgivable Blackness' from PBS. Another great Ken Burns film about the life of boxer Jack Johnson. -dixon cannon
Wonderful classic with a young Jack Nicholson."The Raven"-1963. Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, and Boris Karloff.
Robinson was a great actor, and he excelled in the underworld characters.I'm watching The Stranger right now, Hulu has really been worth its weight in gold when it has come to noirs. I have become a huge fan of Edward Robinson.