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⇧ great story 2 Jakes. That is a very powerful scene and wonderful that they snuck it by the censors.
I know what you mean.
In the summer of ’78 I worked for Jack Warner in Beverly Hills.
I met two of his daughters.
This is one of them (step-daughter)
The actress is Joy Page.
When I met her that summer, I had the feeling that I had seen her before
but couldn’t quite figure out where or when.
She was very shy with melancholy eyes.
I didn’t feel I should ask more.
It was not until years later, checking online the Casablanca "cast”,
I found where I had seen her before. She was 17 at the time.
...The movie didn't need to show anything - her words alone vividly illustrated what she was willing to endure and sacrifice to save her husband.
Casablanca tonight
Like a pair of favorite old shoes.
Is he the same as Orry-Kelly, as I've seen Orry-Kelly's name for years on TCM movie credits? His, "Adrian" and "Edith Head" are the names that seem to come up all the time for "costumes by," or "Miss blah, blah, blah's gowns by...". I don't know anything about Orry-Kelly or Adrian, but Edith Head I've read a little about and, from memory, she was both talented and extremely aggressive in protecting her turf and career (which considering the way the studio system treated its employees, might be fully justified).
Just found it on Netflix and will watch it soon. Thanks for the heads up, I love all this old Hollywood inside baseball stuff.
* I am 100% against censorship, but am fully behind a director who, of his own will, chooses to use subtly and restraint to increase the impact of a scene. I'm not saying anything new here, but unknown and unseen footstep in the dark are more viscerally and psychologically frightening than an ax-wielding maniac running at a victim. It would be nice if more directors understood that today.
A great documentary "The Women He Undressed" - I love it when a documentary teaches me things. Orry-Ryan, born in late 1800's in Australia, lands in NY City at the height of the Bootleggin' "Roarin' Twenties". Hustles for a living with his lover and soon to be famous roommate. They eventually wind up in Hollywood with Ryan becoming a 3 time Oscar winning costume designer. We was Betty Davis' main man for a looooong time. He also did Betty Grable and a host of others. He was so talented and I NEVER knew anything about the man. You also learn a great deal about Hollywood's "love hate" relationship with talented homosexuals of the golden age. Two of the revelations totally left my jaw on the floor. It's on the Flix. Great film.
Beloved Infidel from 1959, a highly fictionalized account of the late-1930s relationship of rising gossip columnist Sheilah Graham (Deborah Kerr) and falling novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald (Gregory Peck).
I really wanted to like this film: two stars I love... who exhibit zero chemistry together and give atypically tedious performances. Two fascinating writers and their adventures in prime-time Hollywood... with nothing to say about literature and no attempt at period stylization. Too long, with too many over-the-top moments that had me gasping out loud in disbelief.
The only term that comes to mind is "turgid melodrama". Not recommended.
WOW. What a fantastic story! She was just so beautiful in this movie. And that scene is, as FF said, very powerful. The movie didn't need to show anything - her words alone vividly illustrated what she was willing to endure and sacrifice to save her husband.
Captain America: Civil War. We saw this in the theater when it came out and I enjoyed it just as much now as I did then. My daughter is a huge, huge Marvel fan, and especially of the Winter Soldier (played by Sebastian Stan). In fact, I'll be taking her to her first comic convention next month to meet him. And William Shatner will be there, too!
Captain America: Civil War. We saw this in the theater when it came out and I enjoyed it just as much now as I did then. My daughter is a huge, huge Marvel fan, and especially of the Winter Soldier (played by Sebastian Stan). In fact, I'll be taking her to her first comic convention next month to meet him. And William Shatner will be there, too!
I'm surprised Shatner goes to those things as I think I've read that he's worth more money than God, but maybe he just enjoys meeting the fans.
Tangentially related, I checked yesterday, and "Wonder Woman" is scheduled for release in June of next year. I was surprised as it seems we all were chatting about the trailer a month or so ago and it looked like the movie was already done.
The trailer for Wonder Woman looks phenomenal. They are probably done, but just waiting for a summer release date as those movies tend to do pretty well at the box office.
I know that DC Comics has a ways to go to catch up with Marvel, but maybe their upcoming movies will help.