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Boulder has always had Hippies, even before the 60s!
Aha! Now the Hippie, Colorado truth comes out!
Boulder has always had Hippies, even before the 60s!
I'd like to know the name of the Boy From Marketing who suggested the idea of printer toner cartridges that automatically shut the printer down when they reach a predetermined toner level, and make it impossible to squeeze out every last bit of the toner you paid for by taking the cartridge and beating it on your desk to redistribute the contents. Because if I knew his name I could hunt him down and beat him to a greasy pulp with one of his own $77 cartridges. And maybe then I could get all the toner I paid for.
I'd like to know the name of the Boy From Marketing who suggested the idea of printer toner cartridges that automatically shut the printer down when they reach a predetermined toner level, and make it impossible to squeeze out every last bit of the toner you paid for by taking the cartridge and beating it on your desk to redistribute the contents. Because if I knew his name I could hunt him down and beat him to a greasy pulp with one of his own $77 cartridges. And maybe then I could get all the toner I paid for.
I Found the Boy from Marketing !
Wow, even back then James photographed well.
Nice job James. :eusa_clap
** Not being able to take a leisurely drive in the Plodge along the ruralest, backroadiest country road I can find without some testosterone-bloated pinhead in an Escalade riding my tail the whole way.
** Going to buy a bottle of automotive touch-up paint and finding that I can get any color I want as long as it's black, white, or silver.
** Buffoons who speed thru town in pickup trucks with banners, flags, or signs streaming from poles propped in the bed, leaving me to wonder just what will happen if those poles come loose, fly out, and hit me smack in the windshield.
** Walking down the snack-food aisle at the grocery store and feeling like I'm being screamed at by the bags -- JACKED! JACKED! JACKED! 3-D! XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEME! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! All I want is a plain bag of potato chips. Does every stupid thing in the world have to be geared to the mindset of a caffeine-crazed fifteen-year-old boy?
** Those weird yellow one-eyed mutant Sponge Bob looking things that all of a sudden are everywhere. And I have no idea why.
** People who won't bother to take the stinking filthy cigarette out of their face while they're talking to you. Lucy Page Gaston, where are you now that we need you?
I'd like to know the name of the Boy From Marketing who suggested the idea of printer toner cartridges that automatically shut the printer down when they reach a predetermined toner level, and make it impossible to squeeze out every last bit of the toner you paid for by taking the cartridge and beating it on your desk to redistribute the contents. Because if I knew his name I could hunt him down and beat him to a greasy pulp with one of his own $77 cartridges. And maybe then I could get all the toner I paid for.
** Buffoons who speed thru town in pickup trucks with banners, flags, or signs streaming from poles propped in the bed, leaving me to wonder just what will happen if those poles come loose, fly out, and hit me smack in the windshield.
... Walking down the snack-food aisle at the grocery store and feeling like I'm being screamed at by the bags -- JACKED! JACKED! JACKED! 3-D! XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEME! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! All I want is a plain bag of potato chips. Does every stupid thing in the world have to be geared to the mindset of a caffeine-crazed fifteen-year-old boy?...
I'd like to know the name of the Boy From Marketing who suggested the idea of printer toner cartridges that automatically shut the printer down when they reach a predetermined toner level, and make it impossible to squeeze out every last bit of the toner you paid for by taking the cartridge and beating it on your desk to redistribute the contents. Because if I knew his name I could hunt him down and beat him to a greasy pulp with one of his own $77 cartridges. And maybe then I could get all the toner I paid for.
What happened to Wise potato chips? Growing up, they were like Coke to Lays' Pepsi - both were big brands, but Wise seemed the better of the two. Now, at least half the stores (at least in NYC) only carry Lays and no Wise. It seems like the company slipped in its market position.
And yes, we also have all the scream at you bags of this, that and the other thing that, when I do get sucked in and try them, IMHO, all taste very artificial.
What brand of printer do you have as I need to buy a new one and absolutely, positively want to avoid that? It drives me crazy that at least 100 copies before my ink is done, my printer is sending me an "alert" that I am "low" on toner. Really, I've counted and the message comes when there are at least 100 copies left. It is so obnoxious.
Isn't Wise the "official chip" of everything New York? They used to be, it seemed. Personally, I like Utz, but they're kind of an east coast thing, and I can't get them in Texas. I also remember Charles Chips, which came in a large tin, and was delivered to your door. I haven't seen those in years.
Printers are the old "Gillette" scam in a new form -- give away the razor or sell it really cheap and then charge thru the nose for the blades. Bah.
Ours is a "Brother" but I have a better word for it. I can usually get a few more copies out by beating the cartridge on the desk, but I think they've gotten wise to that trick because it doesn't work as well as it used to.
Printers are the old "Gillette" scam in a new form -- give away the razor or sell it really cheap and then charge thru the nose for the blades. Bah.
**Websites that are so "optimized for mobile" that they're completely useless to my thirteen-year-old desktop computer or my fourteen-year-old laptop. I'm looking straight at you, CNN.com and Boston.com.