Damn!Problems across multiple airlines from what the news is saying this morning. Software glitches, Russian collusion, Chinese hackers, lol....
We had a plane that needed more fuel, then the gate in Houston wasn't clear when we landed. Those 2 things combined burned up our 1 hour connection time and we missed our connection to Portland.... No flights as others were overbooked already and then the software glitches with other airlines.
We got vouchers for the Red Lion hotel and everyone here is on vouchers from United. One couple was here since Saturday and they just got a flight out today.
I missed my interview with the justice department, but may be able to reschedule if they don't hire someone in the mean time.
Stuck in United Airlines hell in Houston, TX. Unbelievable pain in the neck. Mostly, it's the lying we encounter with customer service that makes this so unpleasant. No flights until tomorrow...
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Recently relocated to Austin from the SF Bay Area, so I had to get the appropriate head gear.
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Good afternoon. I have taken today off from work to complete personal stuff. Late morning I was using my new hand saw to cut up limbs into smaller fire kindling. I wore a Know Westlite. Excellent safety glasses and the 2 7/8 brim kept the wood chips from flying around my head.
A trip to the accountant and then hardware store had me wearing a vtg. Stetson Playboy. My accountant commented that this hat is "very cool." I am pleased to be "very cool" today.
Best, Eric -
I don't have many I've named but usually they are hats I have owned for a long time & they have taken on a life of their own. They're not disposable property, least not in my lifetime. They've earned their name usually thru life's experiences we've had together.Well named hat indeed, Jack. I love hats that earn names. Might be an interesting thread, Hats and names and how they got named.
Great job Scooterz! That's something I've tried my hand at a few times. Having a kiln would help.My flintknapping hat. Who knew a Campdraft had good juju for breaking rock.
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Gorgeous hat Daniele. Is that wisteria behind you?Uncertain morning with a hazy sun
Panizza Special size is 59 cm or 7 3/8 US
Built in the historic factory of Ghiffa is the brother as the color of the Sportsman presented the other day
The felt is slightly thicker than the brother and the "Cognac" color has a hint of less green
As often happens Panizza differs for the bow. The shape is classic of a moderate Italian brim hat of the seventy
Have a nice day!
Love the beachcomber Eric.My dog and I were out early this morning. I wore a vtg.30's Stetson Beachcomer.
I was cold during the dog walk. I recall the high temps forecast to be 50'f. I did not consider it would be 23'f in the morning. Duh! A Filson wool jacket and a change of hat for starting to pick-up the straw on the flower beds. A vtg. Adams fedora was my choice.
Best, Eric -
Nice one. But be careful around trees and especially conifers; their sap and resin make stains that are very difficult to remove.