It's a real vintage, it's lightweight, it's in pristine condition and it looks great. It's all there, Garrett; congrats!Early 30's Stetson Select Crush Weight - this 88 gram felt is light enough for today's PNW weather
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Another fine parade of hats, food and work, Eric. An example to us all, sir. Love the vents on the VS Wanderer.Good Saturday folks. Thanks for sharing your hats/caps/boaters/bowlers and others.
Early morning dog soirree had me sport'n a VS Wanderer (Artlite dove felt). What a HAT!
Returning home I was at the top of my breakfast game grilling hashbrowns, bacon and eggs. I wore a vtg. Stetson Playboy for the delicious process and outcome.
Early morning errand and yet again another errand had me "twinning" in Cordova Caps in bolder wool Dashing Tweed fabrics.
Chainsaw, cutters and axe work had me working in a Akubra Campdraft (Fedora Lounge version in bluegrass).
Grass cutting, blowing and garden work in a Sunbody hat with a "big" 3" brim.
Cheers. Be safe, be strong and see you on the streets soon, Eric -
Looks great on you.Met up with my parents at an antique store, waiting for them to get there. Rocked the Akubra Campdraft deluxe early today.
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Good to remember your introduction to the world of tequila, John; it's easy to forget if it was a proper introductionHey everyone!
This entry-level Homero Ortega Cuenca isn't anything remarkeble as far as Panama hats go (about 110-120 wpsi if I recall correctly) , but it holds a special place in my heart since it was my introduction to the world of toquilla and other fine straws. So, it deserved to be ironed and worn at least once this summer.
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Have a great day!