I'll Lock Up
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- Ft Worth, TX
Very nice action shots there, Al. Nice control of the depth of field and some cool panning thrown in as well.
We left dance and drove to Evanston to pick up no. 1 daughter at college. Sophie wanted us to turn around and drive home the next morning, but we got her to agree to a day of rest before the 560 mile return trip.
We drove up Sheridan Road to see the Baha'i Temple. Among it's many credits are a placement as one of the seven wonders of Illinois (after Wrigley Field.)
I took most of these photos with my new iPhone... what a nice little camera it is.
Interesting to see the swastika and Star of David next to each other
Wow RLK, what a great find! That deal along with your size? Super!
Wearing my "Modern/Vintage" Open Road in Silver Belly out for a few errands today (not much outdoor time, it's just too hot for even this lined lighter weight felt). This one IIRC, dates to around the 1980's to early 90's (need to double check my references, it was from the Union label, based on a post from RLK).
Was in sort of an "Open Road" frame of mind today, with a vintage in grey arriving in the mail. Pics of that one coming up soon.
LOVE that OR, TRick! How wide is the brim?
Today I'm wearing my Borsalino linen cap.
Rlk, that's a serious taco shell you got goin' on there! Looking good just the same.
T-Rick, I hear ya on the "too hot" for felt theme. Even my unlined thin lids are too warm these days, but I'm not complaining. Good look on you!
That's not a Swastika in the sense of what most think of (the Nazi symbol), if you notice, the "broken" portions of the cross symbol go in this case counter-clockwise. The Nazi symbol went clockwise. This is a somewhat ancient symbol, and is an important religious symbol in some faiths. !
Panama by Tom-n-Perris today
That's not a Swastika in the sense of what most think of (the Nazi symbol), if you notice, the "broken" portions of the cross symbol go in this case counter-clockwise. The Nazi symbol went clockwise. This is a somewhat ancient symbol, and is an important religious symbol in some faiths. See this Wiki page for a bit more info.
I really like the green ribbon on that one sir. A little color is always good.
Yes, the green looks great.