You look as good in that derby as in anything else you've posted. Very versatile hat wearer. By the way, the Royal De Luxe Stetson I posted yesterday came from Kleinhans.
I'm wearing my new Dobbs Jet to-day. It has weathered several days of rain with no ill effects so far.
I'm wearing my new Dobbs Jet to-day.
fftopic: Forgive me for the ignorance but being a foreigner may be its cause in this case: why do you spell today, to-day... is that just an stylistic thing?
fftopic: Forgive me for the ignorance but being a foreigner may be its cause in this case: why do you spell today, to-day... is that just an stylistic thing?
Oops...!The correct English grammer form is...
Enjoyed a great day at Buckaroo Hatters.
It was fun getting to meet Neo and the shop was really hopping today!
Here is a shot of Alex, Mike and me... all wearing Buckaroo Hatters hats.
Alex is wearing his new lite weight [one Mike made a while back] and I am in my reworked '1912' fedora Mike made for me a few years ago.
All in all a very fine day indeed!
Alex it was great meeting you! Hope you make it back our way soon.
RBH, why is 1912 the name of that model?
Thanks.. here is another shot of Neo.Great picture. You guys look like the James Gang in it!
I believe that's the first time I've seen neophyte in anything but an Akubra. Perhaps there is another brand name in his future.
Green w/rust Knox Twenty today.