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tom cruise

Zemke Fan

Call Me a Cab
On Hiatus. Really. Or Not.
No problem keeping it here, guys...

The link that Mr. Bern has posted has some great photos of the P-51 in question, including the nose art. Definitely worth a look-see.

penfencer said:
The Mustang is a beautiful plane... I have a few instruments and a co-pilot's window from a B-17. I'm working on getting the rest of the plane someday.:)
At that rate, when do you expect to be finished??;)

Finally, as for the Cruise/Scientology comments:

MrBern said:
Hey HEM, I'm not a moderator, and I don't think anything nasty or weird got posted. I should've posted this in the observation bar so we could've let the thread progress w/o constraints.
I have made some MINOR changes to a couple of the posts here and as long as we stay focused on the plane we'll let this baby continue to fly. But, if it veers back to a rant on Scientology (a topic, BTW, that I too could rant on) then we'll either cut and prune this thread or kill it entirely.



One Too Many
Wow... if someone has the dosh to maintain and fly a WWII plane, that is pretty cool. It is something I'd do if I were super rich.

Regarding Tom... He has said some daft things in the media, but I think he is decent in certain roles. He isn't the most gifted actor, but he is good at what he does. I liked him in "Eyes Wide Shut", as well as his action films.

I spoke to someone who met him, and said that he is a bit strange in person, that he gives you 100% of his attention when talking to you... but doesn't seem to blink. At all... Sounds like an alien or a robot to me!

"Doc" Devereux

One Too Many
matei said:
Wow... if someone has the dosh to maintain and fly a WWII plane, that is pretty cool. It is something I'd do if I were super rich.

It's on my 'to-do' list, given that I regularly see Tiger Moths advertised for less than the price of a high-end BMW...


One Too Many
Northern California
mysterygal said:
From what I've heard of Tom Cruise, his character is seriously lacking..which is probably true for most people in hollywood, but I do give it to him for apologizing to the kids...although he does seem to be a perfectionist. And don't get me started on scientology!:rolleyes: It's amazing how many people believe in it *sighs* oh well.

Oh how I agree with you, I kind of lost (whats the word?) [huh] He hasn't had a good film since Jerry Maguire in my opinion, he's made lots of dough in the mean time, the P-51 is cool, just shows you what $$$ will do to you :eusa_doh: I just hope he knocks off trying to change people (scientology) and move on with his own life.
Heck we all have dreams like winning the lottery, buying cool stuff like P-51 or what ever:p


Registered User
I would go for the P 38 instead. I know the performance isn't as good as the P 51's, but the P 38 had a unique design.

(Ayrton Senna, the late F1 pilot, "drove" an F16)


I thought collateral was a pretty good flick and Tom did a great job. Especially the coyote scene. It was the best of the whole film.

And to being weathy and buying an airplane is not unusual. Some even go to extremes like Travolta.

And why so down on his religion?

as to 100% in talking with you, I've seen it too.


Hardlucksville, NY
Tom Cruise is obviously a bankable actor hence the P51 Mustang!
While I am no fan of his personal beliefs I certainly respect his dedication to his craft. He is apparently a hard working over achiever. I do not see him as the actor of our age but he has made many successful (in terms of $$s) films. Imho, his best recent performances were in Magnolia and Vanilla Sky.

Shaul-Ike Cohen

acting skills

I'm aware this is at least to a certain degree a matter of taste, but - isn't his acting limited to knitting his eybrows and slightly opening his mouth? This might be intended to look dramatic or intense, but to me, it looks rather dumb. And it doesn't exactly get better if he does the "huh?!" for 90 minutes non-stop.


Hardlucksville, NY
Shaul-Ike Cohen said:
I'm aware this is at least to a certain degree a matter of taste, but - isn't his acting limited to knitting his eybrows and slightly opening his mouth? This might be intended to look dramatic or intense, but to me, it looks rather dumb. And it doesn't exactly get better if he does the "huh?!" for 90 minutes non-stop.
Yes this subject is a matter of taste. Are you perhaps thinking of Keanu Reeves?! [huh]
I am not going to argue Tom Cruise is a great actor because I do not think he is. I must ask, have you seen Born on the Fourth of July, Magnolia or Vanilla Sky? He does more than knit his brows and slightly open his mouth. His dialogue is slightly more than a 90 minute version of Keanu Reeves' immortal dialogue, "whoa, I know Kung Fu" a la Matrix!


I'll Lock Up
DeleteStreet, REDACTCity, LockedState

I have to say that I reallllly liked his summer flop VANILLA SKY.
To me it was way better sci-fi than Minority Report or War of the Worlds.

But I generally reallllly laugh at Keanu Reeves. He's great in Matrix, but I never once beleive that he's a major world class hacker.

Which is why I started this thread. I was shocked & impressed that Cruise operates a P-51. Obviously he has the money, but I didnt really think he'd have the capacity to be a pilot, let alone a mustang pilot.

For that matter when I hear people sneer at President Bush's missteps, I like to point out that he was a trained military pilot. It couldnt be that easy.
After all, if being a pilot was easy, JFKjr would still be alive.


I'll Lock Up
DeleteStreet, REDACTCity, LockedState

Hemingway Jones said:
I am impressed that he is a pilot, but he is still what I call "functionally insane." He also says, perhaps, some of the stupidest things I have ever heard. His attitudes on depression and addiction are ponderous.

tell me what you think of this interview.

The germans was VERY skeptical of scientology & this interviewer really calls Cruise out.


I'll Lock Up
DeleteStreet, REDACTCity, LockedState
shamus said:
too soon for the JFK jr. joke.

As to being a pilot, maybe Dusty can shed some light on this, being a former Blue Angel and all...

Its hardly a joke.
From what I had read, he wasnt qualified to be flying at night. He lost control & crashed. I believe he had been delayed & departed later than expected, so he ran out of daylight and sadly became disoriented.

I am using that example as a point that Cruise must have soemthing on the ball to be flying a Mustang.


Practically Family
Sausalito, California
To me Scientology is really no different than any other religious belief. The only real difference is that the concensus is not there as strong as it is in other religious or life beliefs because it is fairly new and the guy that "invented" it has only been dead for a few years. Give it a few hundred years and it will be just as "normal" as any other religion, which is belief by consensus.:)

As far as Tom and his acting ability is concerned, I can't get a feel for it because he is such an idiot when interviewed that his acting takes a back seat when I see him in a movie. He is the type of guy that I remember picking on and making fun of as a rotten teenager.:eek:

Maj.Nick Danger

I'll Lock Up
Behind the 8 ball,..
MrBern said:
Its hardly a joke.
From what I had read, he wasnt qualified to be flying at night. He lost control & crashed. I believe he had been delayed & departed later than expected, so he ran out of daylight and sadly became disoriented.

I am using that example as a point that Cruise must have soemthing on the ball to be flying a Mustang.

I suppose those vintage planes must have a lot of modern upgrades which make them safer and a bit easier to fly. Things like state of the art navigation systems. But still, it takes a lot of concentration and coordination to fly one, I'm sure. I read recently somewhere online, that a WW2 cadet had to attend flight school for,.....I think 6 months? [huh] (I gotta find that link again and check) Here it is---> http://www.wpafb.af.mil/museum/history/wwii/pfs.htm

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