Pilgrim said:Here's a story - I was going through the security line in the airport at Spokane, WA when I realized I had my small Swiss Army penknife in my pocket. (I carry it because the small blade, scissors and toothpick are extremely handy.
Of course, this is a federal offense. Don't get me started. My Cross ball point pen is more dangerous than that 1" penknife.
The security officer went out of his way to quietly say "I can't mention this officially, but on occasion I've seen people give their knives to someone in the terminal. it makes more sense than giving it to us." Nice of him!
There was no one behind me in line, so I went over to the ropes, found a gent with a white beard, and handed him the knife saying "I can't take this through - enjoy it. Just clean the toothpick if you want to use it."
I then checked through the line. But as I was leaving, the gent I'd given the knife to waved at me and said "Give me a business card and I'll mail the knife to you."
I did, and a week later, he did. I mailed him back a $5 check as a thanks.
Hmm, my brother lost a fabulous old Skean dhu through customs. They checked it in the baggage, then it miraculously turned into cloud on the flight over! But, glass always half full and all - can I concur with Etienne that if you look for the bad you find it and if you look for the good you find it also. I am one of the world's recluses, hermits, unsociable yet bizarrely sociable, and a little bit "back off this is my territory" kind of people, yet still - smile and people smile back. Just watch your back when they're doing that! No really, this is a sad time when we have to discuss this. Bad night to be posting, having just had to stare in an intimidating fashion at White Van Man and his Cronies, who have just checked out our place. Now I have to lock everything up and feel intimidated all night. Why wasn't I there when they were training Lara Croft wannabees! Where's my tough gear..... Yet still smiling, in a forced upbeat kind of way
Edit: That was so negative. I know a load of people who are absolutely wonderful (mostly over 70 I have to confess) and I've had a lot of great, friendly, helpful experiences over the years, and I hope I've returned them. Probably haven't, but I'm young enough to learn.