Our granddaughter was at least 9 till she pretty much refused to wear anything but pink. It was pretty easy to buy for her as one just had to spot the pink things in stores and go from there. lol
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Get those mammograms ladies.
As someone who very early in life loved both the word and the color "pink," I love this thread! My contribution:
Jantzen's logo features a "diving girl" wearing a deep coral pink/red swimsuit. From the 1930s to the 1960s, it's interesting to see their iconic color gradually get pinker and pinker. By the 1960s, they're in full-on pink mode.
Washed out reddish-pink:
Coral pink/red:
A little bit pinker:
Miss Red now takes a backseat to Miss Pink:
Definitely pink (with the pink-on-pink color scheme so popular in the mid-1960s):
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