I spent today with my grandmother going through my late grandfather's things.
One of the treasures which I have inherited was a rather tattered orange and black cardboard box bearing the trademark "Rolls Razor". I was unsure how the years may have treated the razor, but I was pleasantly surprised to find it in remarkably good condition for a razor that was used every day by my grandfather for several decades. There is minimal wear on the strop and hone, the fine sheffield steel blade quickly and easily left a bare patch on my forearm, and even the instruction sheet, although yellowed with age, is crisp with no tears and clean fold lines.
This is not my grandfather's razor, but it is exactly the same model, the Imperial No.2
I am sure many here in the Fedora Lounge are familiar with the unusual design of this razor with its familiar nickel-plated art deco design case, but I am not sure how many of our fellows have actually used one.
I have heard that they can provide an almost perfect shave if used correctly. I have also read many horror stories. I intend to ignore that yellow stripe running down my back and use the Rolls as my daily razor to honour my grandfather.
I shall report back on my progress.
For anyone else who owns one of these fine razors and is just itching (or bleeding) to use it, I have stumbled on a wonderful resource: the ShaveWiki Rolls Razor page.
Now where did I put those bandaids?
I spent today with my grandmother going through my late grandfather's things.
One of the treasures which I have inherited was a rather tattered orange and black cardboard box bearing the trademark "Rolls Razor". I was unsure how the years may have treated the razor, but I was pleasantly surprised to find it in remarkably good condition for a razor that was used every day by my grandfather for several decades. There is minimal wear on the strop and hone, the fine sheffield steel blade quickly and easily left a bare patch on my forearm, and even the instruction sheet, although yellowed with age, is crisp with no tears and clean fold lines.

This is not my grandfather's razor, but it is exactly the same model, the Imperial No.2
I am sure many here in the Fedora Lounge are familiar with the unusual design of this razor with its familiar nickel-plated art deco design case, but I am not sure how many of our fellows have actually used one.
I have heard that they can provide an almost perfect shave if used correctly. I have also read many horror stories. I intend to ignore that yellow stripe running down my back and use the Rolls as my daily razor to honour my grandfather.
I shall report back on my progress.
For anyone else who owns one of these fine razors and is just itching (or bleeding) to use it, I have stumbled on a wonderful resource: the ShaveWiki Rolls Razor page.
Now where did I put those bandaids?