I don't think buying vintage helmets with the intention of wearing them is a smart thing to do. They don't offer the proper protection in case of impact. Same thing with open helmets, you can heal a leg, arm, hand but don't expect your face to look any good after hitting the road or your head for that matter.
Here in Europe you couldn't buy or wear the Bell Custom 500 because it's not dot approved yet in the USA most riders are wearing it or even going without helmet.
I work in the E.D. and believe me, you don't want to be wearing open helmets. Having your jaw fractured or broken is no joke and it's an easy thing to prevent.
I had an Arai Corsair RX-7 but now with the Vespa PX-150 I wear a more appropiate looking Bell Bullitt:
Hi Willi and thanks for helping me spell 'Arai' correctly, I have been spelling Arii due to another Japanese manufacturer I have been dealing with.
Should you need any spare parts for your Corsair RX-7 I have some. I toured through France to Portugal then back up the east coast of Spain in a Corsair. I damaged the helmet but removed a lot of the replaceable fixtures and may have a good condition spare visor, side plates and visor mechanisms should you need anything.
Great gloves by the way, good for light commuting etc.