What is the etiqutte for wearing a hat on a patio/terrace?
My understanding is that a sun hat is fine when the sun is shining on you, and that a hat of any kind is fine if you are having drinks. But what about when the sun goes down? What about a meal, served and consumed just as if you were inside, only al fresco?
I ask becasue there are many knowledgable people here who will know and because my mother still has the power to bug :rage: me. Help me end this discussion... please.
My understanding is that a sun hat is fine when the sun is shining on you, and that a hat of any kind is fine if you are having drinks. But what about when the sun goes down? What about a meal, served and consumed just as if you were inside, only al fresco?
I ask becasue there are many knowledgable people here who will know and because my mother still has the power to bug :rage: me. Help me end this discussion... please.