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That's because half the college grads out there have no skills for anything other than operating a photocopier.
Well, that and getting blind stinking drunk.
That's because half the college grads out there have no skills for anything other than operating a photocopier.
Apart from the persecution and muzzling of Loyalists... which were to them ¨politically incorrect¨. (And leaving out the denial of freedom to those of the ¨incorrect¨ skin color.)
You of course mean with ¨politcally correct¨ not the concept of politcal correctness itself (which exists on both sides of the American political spectrum) but only those of a specific persuasion you disagree with.
The problem with being "non-PC" is that people use that as an excuse to be offensive and insulting. It's very similar to "keeping it real".
I've encountered a few that have trouble with the copier..That's because half the college grads out there have no skills for anything other than operating a photocopier.
Sure, as long as you're not one of those chuckleheads who runs around with headphones/earbuds/whateverthey'recalledthesedays permanently installed in your external auditory canal. Those nitwits are fairly prevalent around here, and on more than one occasion I've seen them survive the day only because the driver that could have easily hastened their demise was actually paying attention and was at least vaguely familiar with the concept of braking.You have a good point.
Unless it was a Volkswagen van, then of course I would assume you'd hear that coming and have PLENTY of time to get out of the way...
I've had a couple of those skilletheads in my spiderweb before and have on a number of occasions seen other drivers take pity and avoid squishing them. The look on their face when they realize that there is a vehicle grille stopped within 3 feet of them as they saunter across the street without as much as a glance is something to see. I did have one a while back stop and give me the one finger salute as a thank you for not killing him. It was all I could do to not go ahead and bump him for his insolence.Sure, as long as you're not one of those chuckleheads who runs around with headphones/earbuds/whateverthey'recalledthesedays permanently installed in your external auditory canal. Those nitwits are fairly prevalent around here, and on more than one occasion I've seen them survive the day only because the driver that could have easily hastened their demise was actually paying attention and was at least vaguely familiar with the concept of braking.
Apart from the persecution and muzzling of Loyalists... which were to them ¨politically incorrect¨. (And leaving out the denial of freedom to those of the ¨incorrect¨ skin color.)
Not taking any sides in a 18th Century dispute in North America... just pointing out that notions of what is the politically ¨correct¨ thinking and attitude existed since times immemorial on all sides.
You of course mean with ¨politcally correct¨ not the concept of politcal correctness itself (which exists on both sides of the American political spectrum) but only those of a specific persuasion you disagree with.
Well now lets see....the "PC" groups are those that have organized and chosen City by City to set up camp and to sue Towns and Cities for having sue Towns and Cities for having any Easter events in public They have an agenda. They desire to reduce everyone's freedoms including yours (if you reside in the USA). No one says if you are not politically correct, that you desire to be out of control, rude, nor dishonest. Last time I checked, the USA still has what we call, the US Constitution. We still have Freedom. That same Freedom has been protected since the time period of our Founding Fathers by individuals that have had ZERO to do with being politically correct, and by willing to give their life to protect the very Freedom that those politically correct would have you stripped of. Freedom has never been "free" but from observing the majority of anyone in the USA that wants to scream for politically correct policies, have never served their Country....they don't believe in it. Something that is one of the most sacred treasures the USA has to offer everyone, is Freedom, and that Freedom has been paid by the Men and Women that have been willing to give their very life, to protect.
You can vote for "politically correct" all you want, but remember the Freedom that even allows you to vote, was purchased by those willing to give their life for your Freedom of choice to even be able to have a vote.
First, I have no idea what this rant has to do with anything, but it's outstanding.
Secondly, back to my point: just because one believes political correctness has gone too far does not give one a license to be crude and obnoxious. Which seems too often the case.
Well, that and getting blind stinking drunk.
Because, as we all know, working class hero types never get wasted on alcohol...:beer:
Not in my family they didn't. My hard-boiled Methodist grandmother would have killed them on the spot if they had. And unlike Carry Nation, she wouldn't have needed a hatchet.
She and Mother Jones were spun out of the same cloth.
Mother Jones didn't have a family history of mental illness...
First, I have no idea what this rant has to do with anything, but it's outstanding.
Secondly, back to my point: just because one believes political correctness has gone too far does not give one a license to be crude and obnoxious. Which seems too often the case.
No rant. A well meant example of what is happening right now, had been ongoing for years. In the State of Michigan, these politically correct groups have offices and dictate what anyone else should be doing. Never mind what you or your "group" or "class" or "belief systems" may be. They want laws to take your freedoms away. It is on the news often regarding of where the Politically Correct groups are set up. They have a goal. A real organized agenda. They want to not have you lawfully to be able to speak of the word, Christmas. Easter. Christianity. Jesus. No celebration of any of those by anyone. In Dearborn Michigan, they have used the Muslim Community to jump on the band wagon. They are attempting to have laws passed that you will go to jail if you have a Easter Egg hunt in public. Now what is ongoing with anyone that is "opposed" to the Politically Correct crew to show anyone is being rude, or off base to them? It is all one side. Period. That is not their issues and not what they are raising. They only want to control any freedoms you have.
Most people are nice, good, and not crude or obnoxious. But I can say without hesitation, if someone at any interactive meetings debating the issues, had to pick which trait would be more "liveable" for the big picture, I personally would live and lose no sleep if someone was a bit rude over someone trying to destroy my Constitutional rights and freedoms.
Most of the time, much younger Americans that are too wrapped up into their personal life, have no idea what is actually going on around them. Political figures love that about the youth of today. They are easily influenced to give a vote or to support some of the most bizarre policy and concepts ever dreamed of. Both of my own children have been guilty of this...until some of the Politically correct issues came to their own front doors. It did not take them very long to wake up and smell the coffee.
Imagine someone's small child has the misfortune of sneeking off and heading to the local lake, almost to be walking to a place on the lake. Individuals observe this at some small distance away. No one can even yell or display anything to distract the child...because the "politically correct" have gained so much control over everyone's freedoms and have dictated what is allowed in child is not reached in time...the small child then fallsl into the lake and drown. The group of politically correct would simply smile and make mention how nice it was that everyone "conformed" to their laws and mention of the drowned small child made mention.
Extreme example? You bet. Realistic example. OH yes.
Be that as it may, Carry didn't die as a result of any kind of mental illness. While she had been treated for "nervous exhaustion," she died after a heart seizure which occured during a speech and sent her into a coma. Newspapers tried to stir up a lot of muck after her death, which comes as no surprise given the hostility most papers had to the temperance movement -- liquor distillers and breweries were among the largest newspaper advertisers of the time. But the head of the hospital where she died went on record as giving her cause of death as heart failure.
Most of the time, much younger Americans that are too wrapped up into their personal life, have no idea what is actually going on around them. Political figures love that about the youth of today. They are easily influenced to give a vote or to support some of the most bizarre policy and concepts ever dreamed of.