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- New York City
"Wha'see say?" queries Alice. "Gimmie a minute t'gettit open," exhales Sally, clutching the V-Mail envelope just extracted from the mailbox in the foyer of 1720 63rd Street. "Lemme read it!" insists Leonora. "Lemme!" "A letter is it?" queries Mr. Ginsburg, stepping out of his apartment door in a cloud of Half-and-Half to fetch his own mail. "A letter from Yussel maybe?" "Yeh," nods Sally. "Lemme get it open." "Letteh fr'm Joe," nods Alice, as Krause ascends from the basement apartment. "Yeh?" grins Krause, shifting his cigar to the other side of his mouth. "Lemme get it open foist," insists Sally. "Hawrd t'gett'it open wit' cold fingehs!" "Lemme do it!" demands Leonora. "Mendel!" comes the voice of Mrs. Ginsburg from the half-open apartment door. "What is?" "Letter from Yussel!" Mr. Ginsburg declares. "A letter!" enthuses Mrs. G, "How is he, what does he say?" "Lemme get it open foist!" exhales Sally. "Whas' goin' awn, Pap?" pipes Willie, pushing his way into the group. "C'mon, ya missin' Tom Mix!" "Letteh f'rm y' Uncle Joe," replies Alice."I'm gonna read it!" delcares Leonora. "Hey!" calls out Alice, as a small, wizened woman with curly gray hair enters the foyer from outside. "Missis Nucci! Sal gotta letteh fr'm Joe!" "Chi se ne frega," mutters Mrs. Nucci, grumbling up the stairs to the third floor. "Awright," announces Sally. "I got it open." "Decembeh T'oity Fois'. Deeh Sal..." she begins. "I wanna read it, I wanna!" squirms Leonora. "Sh," shushes Sally. "He stawrts awf heeh wit' a -- um -- a lotta poissonal stuff..." And five pairs of eyes roll, as Sally flushes and Leonora grabs at the letter. "Whassat woid, Ma? Whassat?" queries Leonora. "Sh," shushes her mother as six pairs of ears listen intently....
Really well done, Lizzie. I can see it happening.
Ladies, I know you are sincere, but this battle was lost - lost for generations - with the end of Prohibition. But God bless your little hearts if you want to try to push that rock up the hill again in 1945.
When you have no savings, acquiring savings is the big goal. It isn't until you have some savings that you realize there is a whole new problem now: how to invest that savings so that it maintains or (ideally) increases its purchasing power.
You're an idiot, Link, and nobody likes you.
You're an idiot,Link, everyone in this storyline, and nobody likes any one of you.
"The Fall of Paaris." You've been saving that for years.
That is a good line. I am loving this Puk Paaris story; it's just so over the top but harmless.
"I dunno, we don't have any openings for 'oversexed little moocher' right now."
So, you're saying you're not hiring college interns this summer.
Really well done, Lizzie. I can see it happening.
Ladies, I know you are sincere, but this battle was lost - lost for generations - with the end of Prohibition. But God bless your little hearts if you want to try to push that rock up the hill again in 1945.
When you have no savings, acquiring savings is the big goal. It isn't until you have some savings that you realize there is a whole new problem now: how to invest that savings so that it maintains or (ideally) increases its purchasing power.
You're an idiot, Link, and nobody likes you.
You're an idiot,
"The Fall of Paaris." You've been saving that for years.
That is a good line. I am loving this Puk Paaris story; it's just so over the top but harmless.
"I dunno, we don't have any openings for 'oversexed little moocher' right now."
So, you're saying you're not hiring college interns this summer.