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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"1943" World Series? Can't wait to see the letters!!

"I would never join any club that would have me as a member."


Tracy places far too much faith in the chain of command.


Well, isn't this going to be fun.


It's a wonder anybody ever has to ask that quetion.


Either he's a cop, or he's from Consumers Union.


There's been a lot of weird plots in this strip, but writing secret coded messages on your leg with a fingernail has broken new ground...


If you want to dance, LETS DANCE!


See, Sal, there's a perfectly reasonable explanation.


New York City
The thirty-seven year old owner of a Prospect Heights tavern is being held without bail on a charge of homicide after he was accused of slaying, with one punch, a dance-band drummer following an argument with him over the affections of a female bandleader. Joseph Renzutek of 537 Clinton Avenue was arrested yesterday after bandleader Phyllis Lane walked into the East 67th Street police station in Manhattan accompanied by an attorney, who told police "there's a dead man in this woman's apartment." Miss Lane testified that she had found 42-year-old Jack Miehle of 1566 Coney Island Avenue, whom she employed as the drummer in her orchestra, laying badly beaten in a corridor of her Manhattan apartment building. An investigation determined that Miehle and Renzutek had been drinking together and Miehle made references to Miss Lane to which Renzutek took exception, and he is alleged to have struck the drummer a crushing blow in the chest which shattered eight ribs. An autopsy revealed that Miehle died as a result of internal bleeding. Miss Lane was ordered held on $5000 bail as a material witness in the case.

Jesus. Away from the awfulness, cool that she's a female bandleader – we haven't seen a lot of them in these pages.


Ahead of your time, Ernie.

By far the most creative episode we've seen in this strip. And it is a pretty close, but not quite breaking of the fourth wall.


Lately I've found that I need to be prepared for anything. But I was not prepared for, and AM not prepared for -- Scarlet O'Neil IN SPACE.

But to some extent, isn't she always?


Either the News or Brooklyn's paper needs to did deeper into this story in the next day or two.

There's no universe where I see Sally delivering doughnuts, but I do see her as clearing her name by knowing the full Dodger lineup, and batting averages, and bases....



That could not have been more enjoyable.


Practically Family
If a group of front-line GI's ran into a Red Cross girl who looked like that, they would have gladly accepted a Dodger-lineup answer as follows:
In the outfield: Larry, Curly, and Moe
Other team members: Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Donner, Blitzen, and Dopey
GI's: "WOW! She got them all right1"
(I thought of that before the Dragon Lady's comment about Dopey and Hot-Shot Charley. But who ISN'T at least one step behind the DL?)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Boot how LAAAAHNG," demands Uncle Frank, "d'ye think ye c'n keep it frooom'ar?" "Laaang as we haaave to," snaps Ma. "Oi'll naaaht have 'arr roonin' amook again an' endin' oop in that bloody bughooose." "Butchee CAN"T EXPECT to..." argues Uncle Frank. "Oi EXPECT, Francis Leary," rebuts Ma, "that Oi c'n do anythin' Oi NEED to do. Didn't Oi keep'arr fr'm seein' that casualty list in th' papaar with Joseph's name in it?" "Ye doon't knoow far sarrtain," challenges Uncle Frank. "She cooda stepped joost next door to th' droog store an' got a paparr ye DIDN't get to!" "Oi know me daughter's habits well enoof," insists Ma. "Sally ain't been in that store since old Mistarr Zimmarrrman got in an argument with'arr aboot not lettin'arr poot thim barrrth controol paparrs in 'is store!" "That was fifteen yarrs agoo," scoffs Uncle Frank. "Sally's gaaaht a laaang memory," observes Ma. Uncle Frank fingers his glass and takes a deep sip of two-cents-plain. "You ivvr wondaaar," he exhales, "wharrr ye went wrong with that garrrl?" "OI WENt WRAAHHHNG!" erupts Ma. "Oi seem t'remembarrr YOU winkin' ye oye an' tarrrnin' ye head a few toimes. When Doyle haaaaahled 'arrr in' farr chaaaalkin' thim sloogans aaahn th' soida th' chaaaarch..." "Ye aaahlways bring that oop," sighs Uncle Frank. "Ye praaahblem, Francis," Ma summarizes, "is ye nivvar had no garrrls oov'ye own." "Oi doon't think," concludes Uncle Frank, "anywoon livin' had a garrl loike that woon." Ma blinks and considers this point. "Maybe ye roit," she shrugs. "Boot joost th' same, she's me daaaaughter, an' she moit as well be yaaaars." "You do, Nora," declares Uncle Frank, "whatchee think best." "An' ye knooow," nods Ma, "thatt Oi will...")


("Monna-sterry?" stumbles Alice. "Yeh," nods Sally. "It's like, you know, a convent. 'Cept it's weh t'ey have -- you know, brot'ehs 'steada sistehs." "Oh," ohs Alice, pondering the scenario. "I know you want Stalin t'get 'im, but it'd soive 'im right if t'sistehs got'tim foist!")


(Well, Bing, if you do win, you'll give Hope fodder for a lifetime of jokes.)


(These ladies in the matching fox-collared coats are the female equivalent of Mr. Lichty's array of identical overweight bald men. Such a world he must live in.)


("Hmph," hmphs Mr. Rickey. "That blustering oaf!" "He does make for good copy," shrugs Mr. Parrott. "Which reminds me, young man," admonishes Mr. Rickey. "At the bottom of this page -- your, what is the word, byline?" "Um," ums Mr. Parrott, knowing he is cornered, "there's -- uh -- a lot of guys named Parrott around." "Name one," challenges Mr. Rickey. "Umm," replies Mr. Parrott, his mind reeling. "Umm -- Ursula?" "Ah," ahs Mr. Rickey with a knowing glare....)

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(No, not the Chianti! You know how hard it is to get that stuff??)


(And this one REALLY isn't Raven and Dude.)

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("Just another punk lookin' for easy money." Well, gee, aren't we all?)

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(Thug Management must be accomplished with delicacy and careful consideration before you throw them in the river.)

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(The fine art of Dogplomacy.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


If any one is dumb enough to wade ashore in Maine at night in November wearing city clothes and not expect to get noticed, they deserve everything they get.


"All's Fair In Love And War."


"There's tragedy afoot right in this prison!" When did this strip turn into "Hairsbreadth Harry?"


There's a ten year old girl around who could tell you exactly how to do this.


As someone who will become a grandmother-equivalent in about seven weeks, I feel Phyllis's pain. Oh, and remarkably enough, Walt Wallet hasn't really gained an ounce in 25 years.


Settle down, Dopey.

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"You're right, we'd better go. Besides, I'm allergic to the smell of mothballs."


"Onboarding" used to be so simple.


Oh, Tilda, never give up.


LaGuardia will catch up with you two, and when he does it won't be pretty.
New York City
"Oi doon't think," concludes Uncle Frank, "anywoon livin' had a garrl loike that woon."

Frank shoots very straight sometimes, even amidst all his usual rigmarole.


"Which reminds me, young man," admonishes Mr. Rickey. "At the bottom of this page -- your, what is the word, byline?" "Um," ums Mr. Parrott, knowing he is cornered, "there's -- uh -- a lot of guys named Parrott around." "Name one," challenges Mr. Rickey. "Umm," replies Mr. Parrott, his mind reeling. "Umm -- Ursula?" "Ah," ahs Mr. Rickey with a knowing glare....

Good one, Lizzie.


If any one is dumb enough to wade ashore in Maine at night in November wearing city clothes and not expect to get noticed, they deserve everything they get.

Bet she can't name the Dodger lineup for the 1943 World Series.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("It's a bad break," sighs Sergeant Doyle, gazing across the booth at Toomey's Diner. "A real bad break. He's a good kid." "Indeed'ee is," nods Uncle Frank, enviously eyeing Doyle's coffee cup before frowning into his own Postum. "Straight as a die, he is, an' devooted t'Sally an' the baby, an' they take 'im oovar there an' this happens." "Who shoots at a cook?" marvels Doyle thru a sip of coffee. "An' th' waaaaarst oov'it is," continues Uncle Frank, "is we still doon't knoow what happened. Aaaahl th' telegram said is 'sloitly wounded." "Maybe he cut 'imself slicin' p'tatehs," snickers Doyle. "Woon marr crack loike that," scowls Uncle Frank, "an' ye wife'll get a telegram aboot YOU bein' wounded, an' it WOON'T be slightly!" "Sawry," shrugs Doyle. "Jus' tryin' t'light'n t'mood." The policeman's eyes wander off, lost in thought. "You wasn't inna las' wawr, was ya?" he queries. "Ahhhh, noo, noo" admits Uncle Frank. "I was employed in -- ah -- essential industry." "Yeh," nods Doyle. "I was innit. T' Fightin' 69t'. An' if y'seen'at movie, it wasn' nut'n like t'at. Jeezuz. T' Awrgawnne. I tell ya, Frank, I seen t'ings 'eh made me lose me fait' in human natcheh." Uncle Frank sighs and stares into his own cup. "Joe's a good kid," continues Doyle. "T' good kids awrways come out awn tawp." "Ye b'lieve that, Tommy?" replies Uncle Frank. "I dunno," exhales Doyle. "Tru't is, I dunno too many of'm. But seem like t'ey oughta." "Indeed," sighs Unle Frank...)


(Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...)


("Sof' coal," frowns Sally. "We'eh gonna be covehed in soot. Y'hang out a bedsheet, comes back in lookin' like a blackout blind." "Pooeh Siddy," sighs Alice. "He comes outa t'at berleh room cawffin' up ashes an' soot 'nough as it is. But heat's heat, I guess." "Bettehr'n freezin'," agrees Sally. "But I'm writin' a letteh t' L'Gawrdieh jus' t'same." "Maybe'll read it onna radio," chuckles Alice. "Y'll be famous." "Maybe I won' be famous," scowls Sally, her jaw set, "but I'll be HOID." "Y'awrways awr," grins Alice, "What?" "Nut'n.")


(All business is show business.)


("Dixie's pretty sore," warns Mr. Parrott. "He knows he's underpaid." "Where, Mr. Parrott," challenges Mr. Rickey, "did we finish in 1944?" "Um," ums Mr. Parrott, "seventh place, sir." "And how many games," continues Mr. Rickey, "did we lose?" "Uhh," exhales Mr. Parrott, "ninety-one, sir." Mr. Rickey takes a long and pointed puff on his cigar and belches forth a great blue cloud. "You may advise Mr. Walker," he proclaims from within the haze, "that we could have lost ninety-one games without him.")


(My senior-year American Lit class was just like this.)

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(It has been my observation that WASPs rarely get mad. They just get really, really passive-aggressive.)

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(And not only that, this brisket is all gristle!)

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("Well whattaya want us to do -- debate her?")

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(The worst kind of friends are the ones who cheerfully sabotage you at every turn.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Everybody's got to have a hobby.


"Hm? Ye doon't say!" -- Shaughnessy the Butcher.


She may sleep, but she never rests.


Every now and then Mr. Gould reminds us of how he got his reputation.


Mr. King didn't always draw Rachel like this. There's a new world coming.

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"Ahhh, just talk about the weather, that always works.."


"My little man." Et tu, Mom?


Panel Three Terry is ready to shoot him on the spot.


Smooth line, Lothario.


Ah, Tuck's Plug. When Joe comes home we may see a similar scene...
New York City
"You may advise Mr. Walker," he proclaims from within the haze, "that we could have lost ninety-one games without him.")

His logic is flawed, but it's still a heck of a good line.


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This will absolutely not work out. We've had dogs forever and love them: they eat a ton and are "trouble," you just have to embrace it. These people will not embrace it.





She may sleep, but she never rests.

Would you if you'd had her life?


"My little man." Et tu, Mom?

At least she didn't call him pantywaist.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Its awrmos' oveh," sighs Sally. "It really is. Nut'n's gonna stop t'at Zhukov anna rest'v'm. An'nen...." "I hope ya right, Sal," nods Alice. "A lot c'n happen." "WhaSSAT s'posta mean?" snaps Sally. "You goin' D'FEATIS' a'sump'n?" "No," squirms Alice. "But, I mean, t'oity, foehty miles, at'sa lawng way yet..." "Hmph," hmphs Sally. "Foehty miles. Y'know what t'at is? T'at's like from home t' -- oh, I dunno -- Camp Upton, maybe. R'membeh t'night you'n me took Uncle Frank's truck an' wen'nout t'eh t'see Joe? T'at wasn' NUT'N!" "I wouldn' say T'AT," mutters Alice, recalling the events of that night. "Anyways, les' tawk 'bout sump'n else, I'm sicka t' wawr." "YAWR sicka t'wawr?" roars Sally. "Whatta YOU got t'be sicka? Ya makin' good money, got a good jawb, ya husban' at home wait'n fawr ya ev'ry night." She is silent for a long moment. "D'you KNOW," she resumes, in a small, tight voice, "what it's LIKE? Not knowin' weh'ree is? T'at las' letteh we got t'eh, he sen'nat in Decembeh. What's it now? Febr'ary! An' I got no ideeh weh'ree IS. An'nen ev'ry night, I'm layin'neh alone, in a cold bed, awl alone. YOU KNOW WHAT T"AT'S LIKE?" Alice replies with her own slow silence. "Yeh," she finally replies. Yeh, I do." Sally ponders that statement as the train rolls on toward home...)


("Hey Pap," snickers Willie, as a dark figure emerges from the boiler room, caked head to foot in bituminous soot. "You unneh t'eh?" "Yeh," sighs Krause, reaching for a kitchen chair before thinks better of soiling it....)


("Besides, those guys knew how to cover the spread!")

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(And don't forget "that logy feeling..")


(Hoover for Commissioner -- endorsed by the Reds??? Does the Dies Committee know?)

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(See, Panel One might be funny if drawn by Lichty.)

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(I've never lived in a boarding house, but I am advised by those who have that there's always a guy like this,)

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(Life so often pivots on the results of a snap decision...)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


What is this world coming to when you can't even trust a Broadway head waiter???

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"With consistency, a great soul simply has nothing to do..."




"Well, then, there's nothing for me to do here but wait. That's no fun."


I dunno I kinda like the idea of having a good reason not to sweep under the bed.


Goofy isn't very good at his job, is he?


An opportunity not seized is nothing at all.


Allow 11 minutes per hour for laughs and applause, and seven minutes per hour for commercials.


Or three Tootsie Rolls, whatever works.


And here Pat forgot to bring his white dinner jacket.
New York City
..."YAWR sicka t'wawr?" roars Sally. "Whatta YOU got t'be sicka? Ya makin' good money, got a good jawb, ya husban' at home wait'n fawr ya ev'ry night." She is silent for a long moment. "D'you KNOW," she resumes, in a small, tight voice, "what it's LIKE? Not knowin' weh'ree is? T'at las' letteh we got t'eh, he sen'nat in Decembeh. What's it now? Febr'ary! An' I got no ideeh weh'ree IS. An'nen ev'ry night, I'm layin'neh alone, in a cold bed, awl alone. YOU KNOW WHAT T"AT'S LIKE?" Alice replies with her own slow silence. "Yeh," she finally replies. Yeh, I do." Sally ponders that statement as the train rolls on toward home...

Alice handled this better than I would have as Sally has to learn or remember that she isn't the only one who has or has had problems.



I imagine I missed the article from an earlier day, but does anyone remember what the boys were expelled for?


"Well, then, there's nothing for me to do here but wait. That's no fun."

A few doors and windows could be left conveniently unlocked.



Mr. Caniff is ignoring the rule that you should never take sides in an internecine battle unless you have to - they tend to be the most vicious.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

(As Mrs. Nucci carefully picks her way down the stairs and into the foyer of 1762 63rd Street, she notices a lanky older man in a Western Union uniform looking over the mailboxes, and freezes. "Va via!!" she shouts, her eyes wide with terror. "Vattene!!" "Take it easy, lady," replies the messenger. "I'm jus'..." "Lasseme perde!!!" screams Mrs. Nucci, shoving past him and out the front door, just as Krause ascends from the basement. "What's wit' 'eh?" queries the messenger. "She don' like Weste'n Union?" "Neh," nods Krause. "Whateveh," sighs the messenger. "Lookin' f'r'a -- ah -- Sally Pet-row-skiss. Knocked upste'hs, ain' no anseh. You know 'eh? You wanna sign f'rit?" "Yeh," replies Krause, inking the little book. He accepts the yellow envelope, hands the messenger a quarter, and shifts his cigar from one side of his mouth to the other. With a deep sigh, he thrusts the envelope into his overall pocket, and returns to the basement...)

(Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick....)


("Nivver moind th' bloody eggs," fumes Uncle Frank. "What Oi wouldn't give farrr a whool roast chicken. Heeere noo, what's this?" He pokes at the pinkish mass on his plate. "What's it look loike?" scowls Ma. "Not bloody SPAM again!" explodes Uncle Frank. "No," declares Ma, her jaw set. "It's NOT Spam. It's TREET." "Is it now?" retorts Uncle Frank. "An' whoot's th' diff'rence?" "Either ye eat it arrr ye doon't," counters Ma. "An' it's NOO DIFF'RENCE t'ME! Yarrr looky ye gettin' any meat at ahhl! An' what ivver happened t'ye ooold friend Shaughnessy? Oi thaat you'n hee had it aaaaahl figyarrred oot." "Don'chee knoow," mutters Uncle Frank, "tharrr's a waaar aaahn? An' th' railrood all in a swivet? An' bloody LaGaaaaaardia." "Go shoot anoothar goose," snaps Ma, taking her seat at the table. Uncle Frank picks at his meal and samples a bite. "Oi s'pose," he concedes, "it ain' soo tarrrible...")


(Actually, it would appear that she very much HAS.)


("Camilli's looking well," observes Mr. Parrott. "He could probably still help us, if we..." "Mr. Camilli," scowls Mr. Rickey, "is by all accounts happy and comfortable in Oakland. I should not wish to disturb his contentment." "People still wonder," ventures Mr. Parrott, "when he'll have his Day." "Mr. Camilli," frowns Mr. Rickey, his voice stony, "has HAD his day." "Yes sir," sighs Mr. Parrott...)



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("English sparrow?" Come now, child, you can do better than that.)

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("All right, that's settled! Let's eat!")

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(I can't tell if Mr. Stamm swiped these thugs from Chester Gould or John Steinbeck.)

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(Zero Sum Game.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


You know, there was a time when Miss Subways stood for something.


"Whatcha doin'at fawr?" queries Sally, glancing over at her friend, who is pensively rubbing her chin. "I t'ink I got sump'n on me chin 'eeh," Alice replies. "Feels like a -- whiskeh. Drivin' me crazy." "Pluck it out," directs Sally, reaching into her bag. "I got tweezehs." "I been pluckin' out a lott'v'm," sighs Alice. "I dunno what's happ'nin'. 'M I gonna grow a beehd a' what?" "Ya how ol'?" questions Sally. "T'oity eight, t'oity nine?" "Sum'pn like t'at," admits Alice. "It happens," repies Sally. "You otta see Joe's sisteh Lina. T'at time we had lunch wit'eh out'n Joisey, I could'n take my eyes off'n'is haieh she had growin' undeh'r'eh nose. Long black coily haieh." "Huh," huhs Alice. "Yeh. I guess t'at does happen when y'get oldeh." "Poifeckly nat'chrel," assures Sally. "Yeh," nods Alice. There is a brief interlude of silence. "Hey Sal," squints Alice. "Whassat on ya cheek t'eh?" "What?" whats Sally, stroking the indicated spot. Her eyes flare. "GIMME T'EM TWEEZEHS!" she snaps, as Alice offers a sympathetic smile....)


Yeah, I've had jobs that felt like this.


Maybe, but you'll have to wear socks!


Oh sure! And give him your car keys while you're at it!


Yes indeed, this will go over very very well.


A practice field? Such amenities this plant has!


All right, now that's clever.

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"Sigh..." -- Uncle Frank.


"Course, it's not so much fun as blowing up a submarine..."
New York City
"Nivver moind th' bloody eggs," fumes Uncle Frank. "What Oi wouldn't give farrr a whool roast chicken. Heeere noo, what's this?" He pokes at the pinkish mass on his plate. "What's it look loike?" scowls Ma. "Not bloody SPAM again!" explodes Uncle Frank. "No," declares Ma, her jaw set. "It's NOT Spam. It's TREET." "Is it now?" retorts Uncle Frank. "An' whoot's th' diff'rence?" "Either ye eat it arrr ye doon't," counters Ma. "An' it's NOO DIFF'RENCE t'ME! Yarrr looky ye gettin' any meat at ahhl! An' what ivver happened t'ye ooold friend Shaughnessy? Oi thaat you'n hee had it aaaaahl figyarrred oot." "Don'chee knoow," mutters Uncle Frank, "tharrr's a waaar aaahn? An' th' railrood all in a swivet? An' bloody LaGaaaaaardia." "Go shoot anoothar goose," snaps Ma, taking her seat at the table. Uncle Frank picks at his meal and samples a bite. "Oi s'pose," he concedes, "it ain' soo tarrrible..."

It's not hard to see why that generation was so fixated on meat at a meal. Obviously, they are all but gone now, but for many of those who lived through WWII, a meal was only a meal if it had MEAT.


You know, there was a time when Miss Subways stood for something.


Two very Page Four stories today.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
WIth obvious minor adjustments, I heard such conversations between my grandparents all the time. My grandfather had no Shaughnessy, but during deer season there were always people willing to trade venison for a tank of gas. (And family lore has it that this kept meat on the table all thru the war. I don't know how he got around the OPA on that, but I'm sure he had an angle...)

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