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The Era -- Day By Day

New York City
"Oi should caaahl aahn Mistar Billingsley. We did soom business in th' oold days."

No doubt they did.


"Hmph, she thinks she's SO SMART." -- O. DeHavilland.

Perfect, Lizzie.


There is no girl on planet earth in 1944 who is better skills to grab her dog, hop a freight train and start life anew in another town than Annie, what in God's name is she doing staying here?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Now don'chee stawrt in, daaaghter," warns Ma. "Oi'm soo bloody sick an' toyred'a politics Oi could scream." "Look," plows Sally onward, "how lawng ya been innis country? Foehty yeehs? Foety five?" "Soomthin' loike that," growls Ma. "An' you ain' become a citizen yet," laments Sally. "Don'cha t'ink ya OWE it t'yaself to get involved? I mean, lookit, when you come heeh, right? Women didn' have t'right t'vote, ain'at right? You couldn'a voted if ya WAN'ED to. An'nen when I was bawrn, women STILL didn' have t'right t'vote. An' awlese women, 'nese suffragettes t'eh, was out t'eh fight'n an' scrapin' an' raisin' hell about it, an' now women DO have t'right t'vote! Y'know what? If you was back in Iehlan', you could vote right now, if t'ey was havin' an election. But heeh, cause y'ain'a citizen, y'can't! Don'cha feel like y'awrta do sump'n about t'at?" "Ye soond like Francis," fumes Ma. "All he c'n taaalk aboot now is bein' a citizen, f'soom reason, 'cept when'ees troyin' to -- ah..." "Tryin' t'what?" queries Sally. "Never ye moind," flushes Ma, snapping her dishcloth. "Drink ye drink an' stop aahskin' all these fool questions." Leonora looks up at her mother from her stool at the far end of the counter, smirks, and makes a distinct kissy-face. Sally frowns...)


("Misteh G," sighs Alice, as Mr. Ginsburg contemplatively lights his pipe as she takes the dinner dishes away. "Lemme ask ya sump'n. Ya'wra smawrt man, an' I wan'cha advice." "Ah," nods Mr. Ginsburg, puffing a cloud of Half and Half. "S'pose y'hadda situation," proponds Alice, "sp'ose y'hadda situation weh y'had sump'n y'didn' wawn nobody else t'fine out about, because it'd hoit'm, I mean, hoit'm real bad if t'ey did. But t'keep'm fr'm findin' out, y'hadda do sump'nat wasn' zackly right wit' t'lawr, even'ough you was tryin' t'live ya life right t'resta t'time. Izzat wrawng?" Mr. Ginsburg is quiet for a long moment, drawing thoughtfully on his pipe as Alice waits expectantly. "Which," he finally replies, exhaling another blue cloud, "would cause the greater harm?" Alice lets this sink in. "Ah," she nods. "T'at's pretty much what Siddy said." "Yeh," nods Mr. Ginsburg.)


("Oi joost don't know," sighs Uncle Frank, munching aggressively into a Toomey's Diner bacon-lettuce-and-tomato sandwich. "Oi'm troyin', Tommy, haaaahnest t'gaaahd Oi'm troyin', boot she joost don't seem t'get what Oi'm troyin' t' do!" "Ya problem," analyzes Sergeant Doyle, "is how I see it, twofol'. Foist, ya ain' goin' at it whatcha cawl subtle. When I was coueht'n Mavis, why, I was reeeeeal subtle. I jus' kin'a wen' inta t'at beanery wheh she was woikin' an', y'know, I'd lean agains'ta counteh t'eh, an' I'd jus' kin'a push me cap back so t'fron'a me haieh kin'a stuck out an' I'd kin'a smile an' say, 'whatcha say, toots?' Don' come awn like, you know, Jawn Gilbe't a' nut'n, don' ack like t' great loveh. You know, jus' kin'a make whatchacawl casual convehsation like." "An'nat waaaarked?" scowls Uncl Frank. "I got six kids says so!" smirks Doyle. "Anyways, ya secon' problem. She takes ya f'gran'ned. You been aroun'neh f'twenny-five yeehs, y'said so y'self, right? She knows y'ain' goin' anywheh. But look heeh -- what if ya DID?" "Oi don't fallah," winces Uncle Frank, attempting to quell a protest from his ulcer. "What if," ventures Doyle, "y'jus' take a powdeh? You know, disappeeh f'r, I dunno a few days, a week maybe -- whattaya t'ink she'd do?" "Hmmm," ponders Uncle Frank, peeling the foil from a half-roll of Tums. "Y'really think so?" "I know so," declares Doyle. "I betcha haffa t'em missin' poisson cases we get oveh't'a precinct is jus' guys taken f'granted." "Ah," nods Uncle Frank, working up a relieving belch. "T'ot'eh half," sighs Doyle, "well, neveh mine about t'em...")


("...or if we can just run out without paying.")


(Look, why don't we just have the Tigers play Erasmus next week. At least somebody'd CARE.)


(Clearly the Brain has never done business from a Coney Island storefront.)


("Drop dead." -- Dale Connor.)


(Art, a savage business.)


(I too have been licked by a kind cow, and ever since then whenever I eat a hamburger I feel a twinge of conscience.)


(Yes, and Sgt. Doyle can help Uncle Frank with his romance.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Ahhhh, civility.


You ain't seen nothin' yet.


Well, at least it cured the shakes.


I can't wait till this little dink runs into the Dragon Lady.


"The house burned to the ground with her in it? Hm, somebody must've left the gas on."


Coming events...


Training is all well and good, but you DO have to have aptitude.


If only.


Oh well, back to fake fortunetelling...


Even better, he swallowed his chaw!


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Jeez, it's hawt in'eeh," laments Alice, scanning the teeming after-work crowd lined up at P. S. 48 to cast their ballots. "Sal, 'zit OK if I take me coat awff?" "Do whateveh ya wawnt," sighs Sally. "Awlya been doin' since we got oveh heeh is complain." "I jus' do'wanna get -- um -- arrested," mutters Alice. "What?" puzzles Sally. "Um., I do'wanna get arrested..." quavers Alice, "f'bein' -- um -- disrespeckful, y'know, f'takin' me coat awff. It's like in cawrt, right, an'na judge comes in' an' ya s'posta stan' up, on'y nobody tol'ya, so ya don't, an'na baliff yells atcha. Um, jus' you know, um, speakin' whatchacawl t'eoretical, a'sump'n..." Alice exhales as she fumbles with her coat, as the line creeps inexorably closer to the clerk's table. "G'wan," shoves Sally. "Ya next! R'membeh, jus' pulla little handle f't'can'idates ya wawnt, like we tawked about. An'nen pull'a string t'eh an'nat'l open'a coiten an' ya done. G'wan!" Sally gives her friend a firm nudge, and Alice finds herself staring into the hard grey eyes of none other than Mrs. McGinnity. "Name and address?" the clerk snaps, glaring hard. "Um," stammers Alice, a bead of sweat running down her cheek, "um, Alice Doo- uh -- Alice D. Krause. Sev'nteen sixty-two Sixty-t'oid street, Bensonhoist. Well, um, actually, I dunno, it's kin'a onna edge'a Mapleton really, um, does'at count?" Mrs. McGinnity glares hard, recalls her debt to Uncle Frank, and grits her teeth. "You may vote," she nods, staring down at her registry book and making a mark. "Yes'm," nods Alice, "T'ank you." She breaks from the line and starts for the exit. "Mrs. Krause!" snaps Mrs. McGinnity, jerking her thumb in the direction of the booths. "Oveh t'eh.")

The liberation of Leyle neared its final phase today while American carrier planes, striking at the ultimate American objective in the Phillipines, reported the destruction of 191 Japanese planes and blasting of eight or more ships in raids on the Manila area. A submarine chaser was sunk and a heavy cruiser was probably sunk, and a light cruiser, three destroyers, and two or more cargo ships damaged by aircraft of the 3rd Fleet in a raid on Manila Bay.


("I thought YOU'd know!" snaps Ma, leaning toward the telephone mouthpiece. "Are ye saaaaaartain ye ain't seen 'im? Mark me warrds, James, if ye troyin' t'slip soomthin' paaast me -- aaaahl roit, ahhhl roit, quitchee blooberin'. Look here -- when he cooms in, you tell 'im to caaahl me. Oi don't make soo mooch money in here Oi can affard to make loonches nobody eats! G'bye t'ye!" She bangs the receiver back on its hook and glares menacingly at the phone, as the door jingles open. "Busy day!" announces Bink Scanlan, tossing the bag on the table. "Got a date t'night wit' a saileh!" "Oi bet you do," scowls Ma. "Ahhh, ya no fun," snorts Bink, popping a stick of Black Jack in her mouth and tossing the wrapper into the ash tray on the counter. Ma frowns,and glances at the diminished display carton. "Ye ain't seen noothin' a' Mistarr Leary, have ye?" she demands. "Fatty?" snickers Bink. "S'matteh, f'get t'put 'is leash awn?" "Mind ye mooth," growls Ma. "Have ye seen 'im aaar 'aven'tchee?" "Neh,"nehs Bink, shifting her gum. "Lotta action t'day t'ough, t;ey like t'em odds ya givin' onna 'lection." "Five'll getcha eight," declares Leonora from the edge of he counter. "Funny kid," snickers Bink, "Isn't she thooo," exhales Ma...)


('At was t'ol' lady," sighs Jimmy Leary, turning away from the phone as his brother packs cigarette cartons into a cardboard box marked 'No. 10 Envelopes -- 1000 Count.' "She says," Jimmy continues, "he ain't been aroun'a stoeh awl day. He lef' afteh breakfas' an'nee neveh come home f' lunch." "Prob'ly sicka t'em lettuce sanwidges she been givin' im," snickers Danny. "Hey, we got any moeh'ra t'em Philip Mawriss?" "Wait," pauses Jimmy. "Nah, we'eh gonna have t'get Inky t'send oveh s'moehra t'em pack wrappehs.' "Awright," shrugs Danny. "Gimme some'a t'em Ol' Golds. Don' make no diff'nce, awla same t'ing inside." "Oh, t'at remin's me," injects Jimmy. "Did'at barrel a' t'bacceh stems come in fr'm Connecticut yet?" "Yeh," indicates Danny. "Oveh'rna corneh t'eh." "Aw," laments Jimmy. "Looka t'at! Who spilt'at erl onneh? Whas'sat, moteh erl?" "Sump'n," shrugs Danny. "I dunno. "It was awl oveh t'backa t'truck when'ney drawpped it awff. Musta hitta bump, you know how t'em roads is once y'get pas' Hartford." "Heh," hehs Danny, glancing at the puddle of oil settling around the base of the barrel. "Sump'n New Has Been Added!" "Heh!" agrees Jimmy. "Does Ya T'bacceh Taste Diff'rent Lately?")


(Ah, Election Night. In radio, we used to send out for chili dogs, ensuring we would stay awake to the end...)


(In a dingy furnished room on DeKalb Avenue, Hilda Chester scans the "Women In Sports" column for news of her daughter Bernice, who played last summer in a women's professional baseball league out west, and hasn't written home in years. Finding none, she sighs, and stares glumly out the window, waiting for spring...)


("Well, yeah, but he's also got that goose, and Thanksgiving is coming!"


(Maybe for the same reason it says "Dale Allen" up top there.)


("Look at that signature! Raphael Gonzalez! Big as life!")


(Actually, I think they say more of a "KREEEEE-YARRRR!")


(You know, Kitty could find them with a couple of phone calls, but she'll be damned if she's gonna get involved here.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


I think the Sidney Whipple mentioned here might be the same Sidney Whipple who is a veteran newspaperman and assistant editor on the World-Telegram. I bet he hates getting scooped by the News.




You know, the safe thing to do would have been to just shoot him.


"That was a pretty good submarine too." "What?" "Nuth'n."


You tell 'im, Phyl.


"And no, I positively will NOT buy from that guy you know in Brooklyn!"


"Oh, Jon, you promised me you'd give up all your shady vaudeville friends!"


Tipping the head waiter a buck won't get you very far, kid.


"That's called the 'idiot plug.'" "It is?" "Well, it is NOW."


True love.
New York City
"S'matteh, f'get t'put 'is leash awn?"

Bink's growing on me.


I've been in 405 E. 54th as I had a friend who rented an apartment there years ago.


"You know, the safe thing to do would have been to just shoot him."

It almost always is.


Is somebody of lesser skills ghost writing this storyline for Caniff?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
("Yep," grins Sally, flourishing the Eagle, "t'on'y president I eveh voted fawr!" "I t'ought you said," notes Alice, "you voted f' Browdeh t'at one time." "Well," shrugs Sally, "yeh. But he wasn' president, now was he? On'y PRESIDENT I eveh voted fawr is Roosvelt." "Ah," acknowledges Alice. "Feels pretty good, don' it?" "Eh,"ehs Alice. "Don'feel no diff'nt 'n it did yestehday. I mean, he's been president f'what, ten yeehs, twenny yeehs, whateveh? How much diffin't's it s'posta feel?" "I don' mean'nat," replies Sally. "I mean, don' it feel good t'at YOU done YEH duty by goin' out an' votin'?" "Yeh," squirms Alice, "I guess. I don' like t'em lit'l boot's. Gives me -- whassatchacawlit when ya scaiet'a bein' in -- ah -- lit'l boxes wit' -- ah -- wawls an'awlat?" "Claustrophobieh," replies Sally. "Really?" marvels Alice. "I t'ought t'at meant bein' scaiet'a -- you know -- San'ny Claus." "No," eyerolls Sally. "Well," ponders Alice, "what WOULDJA cawl'at? 'Cause -- trut' be tol', he awrways kin'a gimme t'willies." "Yeh," exhales Sally.....)

President Roosevelt seemed assured of a comfortable Democratic majority in the House of Representatives today, with returns tabulated so far showing that the President's party has picked up a total of 17 new seats in yesterday's voting, fourteen of them at the expense of incumbent Republicans. The other three were vacancies in the 78th Congress. If current tabulations hold, Democrats will hold 231 seats in the House, compared to 214 in the old. Confirmed as elected so far are 157 Democrats, 59 Republicans, 1 American Labor, and 1 Progressive.

In the Senate, Republicans have positively lost one seat, and face the likely loss of two more, as ongoing vote tabulations appear to be dashing their Election Night hopes of adding to their present total of 37 seats in the 96-member upper house of Congress.


("Gaaaaahd help him, is right..." sighs Ma as the door jingles open to admit Sergeant Doyle. "''Ere now," demands Ma. "Have ye haaard any waaaard froom'im." "Not a woid," shrugs Doyle, reaching for a Milky Way bar. "We got th' boys out awloveh town, an' notta woid." "Oi don't loike this," growls Ma. "An' that's a nickel farr th' chocolate." Doyle rolls his eyes, fishes in his pocket, and flips a nickel down which lands on the counter with a disconcerting thunk. Ma scowls, picks up the coin and takes a firm bite. "YEEEEE KNOOOOOW BETTTAR THAAN THAT!" she roars, tossing the counterfeit back in his face. "Sawry," flushes Doyle. "On'y one I got awn me, too. Betteh put it awna cuff." "Wheeen Francis DOES coom back," glares Ma, "him an' me arr goona have a loaaaaang taaaalk aboot'choo!")


(All right then, now that this is over...)

Brooklyn_Eagle_1944_11_08_12 (1).jpg

(Coming events...)


(Pool news? Well, it's more exciting than chess.)


(Mr. Catlett is using material purchased at ten cents on the dollar from Jimmy Durante. EV'RYBODY WANTS TO GET INTO DE ACT!)

Brooklyn_Eagle_1944_11_08_23 (1).jpg


Brooklyn_Eagle_1944_11_08_23 (2).jpg

(Guess who'll be in the centerspread of the Daily News tomorrow?)

Brooklyn_Eagle_1944_11_08_23 (3).jpg


Brooklyn_Eagle_1944_11_08_23 (4).jpg

(I know Red Ryder, sir. I read Red Ryder every Sunday. And you, sir, are no Red Ryder.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

"I'm gonna save t'is one," adds Sally. "I'm gonna put t'is papeh away f' Leonoreh. It's hist'ry." "I still say," sighs Alice, "he shoulda rode wit' t' tawp up."


Somewhere in France, Joe hunches over a crackling shortwave receiver. "Yo' ain' doin' that rahht," interferes the Corporal. "Y'ain' gaaaht it tuned in raaaht." "Quiet," says Joe. "I'm gett'n sump'n." A mocking American voice crackles thru the static, declaring the election outcome the result of a conspiracy. "Tuh'n'nat off," spits the Corporal. "That's that Axis Sally." "Says 'eh name's 'Midge,' replies Joe. "Doan mattuh none," sneers the Corporal. "Yuh c'n caahl a pig a chicken, but it's still po'k." Joe fires a shot of spit of his own. "Hey, now boy," grins the Corporal. "Yuh gettn' good. Heeuh now, have anothuh chaw." Joe regards the proferred plug, and with a certain resignation, bites off another chunk...


Well, you won't be working on your ship in a bottle for a while...

Daily_News_1944_11_08_638 (1).jpg

Ahh, you're not even close.


It's paranoia when you IMAGINE people are laughing behind your back...


Maybe they'll find Uncle Bim!


Iiiiiii'm playing with fiiiiiiire, Iiiiiiii'm gonna get burrrrrned....


Well, now we know who the ghost writer is.


Actually the "Coronado Creep" is that other guy in the boat with him.


Hopefully the drugstore won't confiscate the negative.
New York City
"I still say," sighs Alice, "he shoulda rode wit' t' tawp up."

God luv ya, Alice.


Well, now we know who the ghost writer is.

A little inside-comicstrip joking going on, I guess.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Good afternoon, dear lady -- ah, dear ladies," oozes Inky Quinlan, gliding smoothly up to the counter. "Sppppppt!" replies Leonora. "Joost th' maaan Oi want to see," glares Ma. "Indeed? May I state then," Inky smiles, teeth in as perfect an alignment as mail-order dentures can make them, "that the feeling is mutual. You are, Mrs. Sweeney, looking particularly radiant on this fall afternoon." "Tell it to th' Marines," scowls Ma. "Whaaaar's Francis?" "Ah," exhales Inky. "I came here to ask you precisely that. I have a parcel here for Mr. Leary, ahhh, certain packaging materials that he requested, but when I attempted to make delivery at his offices I found the blinds drawn and the door bolted. A visit to his -- ahh -- warehouse yielded a similar result. No doubt his sons are in the field, as it were, busy about their deliveries. No matter, however, I feel confident that I may leave this parcel with you, in the knowledge that..." "CAN IT," roars Ma. "Oi'll ask ye again. WHERE'S FRANCIS?" "I assure you," reiterates Inky, dabbing his forehead with a monogrammed handkerchief against a sudden elevation of the temperature, "that I have not been informed as to Mr. Leary's whereabouts. Were I in possession of such knowledge, I would -- ah -- certainly not have troubled you today." Ma glares across the counter, her arms folded, as she scans Mr. Quinlan's face for the slightest sign of dissembling. Leonora looks on attentively as the tension mounts, before it is punctured by the jingling of the door. "Lotta Dewey bums nawt payin' awff," announces Bink Scanlan, as she tosses the bag on the counter. "Ah," smiles Inky, acknowledging the newcomer. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure." "No," acknowledges Bink, "but t'day is young." "AAAHL ROIT!" bellows Ma. "THAAAAT'S ENOOOF!" "Sppppppprt!" adds Leonora...)

The isolationist wing in Congress will be greatly diminished when the 79th session of the nation's lawmakers convenes in January, with two key leaders of that movement unseated by voters in Tuesday's election. Senator Gerald P. Nye (D-South Dakota) and Representative Hamilton Fish (R-New York) went down in defeat this week, taking with them several like-minded colleagues, while several outspoken non-isolationists won election. Seventeen races nationwide remain undecided as vote-counting continues, with Democrats assured of strong majorities in both the House and the Senate.


("Lorgnettes at Dawn," sneers Sally. "I'd like t'see t'guy wrote t'at, I'd give 'im sump'n t' write about." "What's a 'lawrnyette?" queries Alice. "It'zem nose glasses on a stick," explains Sally. "You see rich dames carryin'm inna movies. You know, like Marie Dressleh useteh have." "Huh," huhs Alice. "I seen'nat Claieh Boot' Luce inna newsreel one time. She neveh had no lawrnyette. Mighta had a hat pin 'nough. I guess t'at'd be pretty good inna fight. Co'ese, nut'n beats a blackjack awr a good paier'a brass knuckles." Sally glances over at her seatmate and shakes her head. "Um..." stammers Alice, "I mean, I hoid...")


("Whutchuh think?" snickers the Corporal, tossing aside his knit cap and donning non-regulation navy blue and cardinal red headgear in its place. "Muh brothuh done sent me this hat. Says he knows a fulluh wu'ks fo' th' Cawrdnuls. Thuh WORRLD CHAMPEEN Cawrdnuls." "Hmph," sneers Joe. "I seen a monkey back in Brooklyn dancin' f'pennies, an' y'know what, he was weh'rin a hat jus' like t'at. ." "WOOOOOOORLD CHAMPEEENS," drawls the Corporal, flicking a speck of dust from the bill of his cap, as he adjusts it to just the right cocky angle. "Oops," blurts Joe, hooking the cap with the handle of a soup ladle and flicking it neatly into the boiling kettle before him. "Musta slipped." "Ahhh hate 'chew," scowls the Corporal. Joe fires a stream of tobacco juice at his feet, and snickers. "Hey," he adds. "I t'ink I'm really gett'na hanga t'at...")


(Everybody loves Spam.)


(Ah, hockey. At least we don't have a Brooklyn team to stink.)


(Hey, don't knock it. That low center of gravity will be great for aerials.)


(Face first? Another plastic surgery job for Doctor Ward!)


(Yeah, the labor shortage is getting out of hand...)


(What, no "forgotten man?" The war ruins everything.)


(Annnnnd they're off!)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


I met Margaret Chase Smith when she came to visit our elementary school. She would not have appreciated the "More Glamor Added" subhead.


Looks like the "merry chef" from Childs finally found a new job. Poor guy.


Somebody's had combat training.


You know what you have to do, kid. Yeah, you know.


Wait'll he gets you up in a plane.


It's a hell of a thing to have to hear this from your only biological child.


"Which reminds me..."




Prolonged oxygen deprivation explains a lot.


Some things should positively not be left to the imagination.
New York City
Bink and Inky, that's quite the crew Ma has in her store this morning. I love how much Inky ties to dress up his language, but if you've ever known someone like that in your real life, you'll consider suicide just to get out of the conversation.

Now, where is Frank?

I don't think Sally is going to pleased with Joe's new habit.


You know what you have to do, kid. Yeah, you know.

[Copy and paste.] There is no girl on planet earth in 1944 who is better skills to grab her dog, hop a freight train and start life anew in another town than Annie, what in God's name is she doing staying here?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Yeh," enthuses Sally, fanning a handful of envelopes across the counter. "I got two lettehs t'day from Joe, an' I got one from Solly Pincus awntoppa t'at! Look heeh -- Joe says 'I can't wait fawr t'wawr t'be oveh because t'en I can -- " -- um -- I guess we c'n skip t'at pawrt, t'at's poissonal --" "Ah," nods Ma. "But down'eeh'ree says,' continues Sally, "'I am loinin' lotsa new t'ings oveh'reeh. Te'y tol' me t' Awrmy would be edjehcational, an'neh right.' I awrways said t' Awrmy would be good f'Joe, guy neveh wen' pas' 8-B, he's gonna come back home wit'ta collitch edjehcation, you wait." "I'm sure," sighs Ma. "An'nin'nis ot'eh letteh," continues Sally, "he says -- well, he says t'sen' moeh pitchehs'r ev'rybody. Me'n Leonoreh, an' you, an' Uncle Frank, an' even Alice an' Krause an' Willie, an'na Ginsboigs. He says 'I been loin'in oveh'reeh, seein' awlese c'vilians aroun' t'at has los' ev'ryt'ing, t'at I am a very lucky man t'have awla you.' Ain'nat beautiful? We gotta get ev'rybody t'get'eh an' get a pitcheh took. Maybe out fron'na t'stoeh heeh." "That's a foine oidear," nods Ma, from behind a distracted smile. "An'nen Solly," continues Sally, "well, you know how he is. He says 'eeh, he says 'I have not yet run inta Joe since 'ee's been oveh'reeh. Europe is a big place an'nez a lotta soljehs runnin' aroun' in it, so I have not had too much time to socialize. But you write t'Joe an' tell him if I eveh do run inta his dumb-lookin' mug oveh'reeh, t'at would be t' on'y laugh I had in t'ree yeehs." "That's a bit mooch," frowns Ma. "Joseph is a foine-lookin' man. You say yeself he looks loike Jaaahn Garrfield." "Ahhh," dismisses Sally, "'at's jus'ta way men tawk. You oughta know t'at. Oh, speakin'a which -- whe'z Uncle Frank? I ain' seen 'im aroun' awl week -- I wanna show 'im'eeze lettehs." "Ah," exhales Ma, drumming the countertop with her fingers. "Francis has been -- busy. It's his busy season, laaatsa farrnaces t'fix an' barrlers an' what naaht. But Oi'll tell'im when'ee cooms in." "Unca Frank run awff," interjects Leonora from the other end of the counter. "THAT"LL BE ENOOF OOTA YOU!" snaps Ma. "Hey!" snaps Sally back. "Y'don' hafteh yell atteh!" "Nevarr moind," dismisses Ma. "But'chee need t'tell that choild nahht t'listen t'noo maaar soop operas! Thaaar' waaarpin'arr moind." "Yeh," nods Sally, her eyes narrowing. "Yeh...")

Business activity will cease and all traffic will be brought to a stop for two minutes at the stroke of 11 tomorrow morning to mark Brooklyn's observance of Armistice Day. At Borough Hall, the anniversary of the end of the First World War will be marked by the playing of taps in a ceremony concluding the end of the annual Armistice Day parade, in which the borough's 71 American Legion posts along with civic, fraternal, home defense, City Patrol, Boy Scouts, and other organizations will be in the line of march. Speeches will be delivered by Borough President John Cashmore, Supreme Court Justice John McCrate, Magistrate Abner Surpless, and former Surrogate George A. Wingate.


("I hope whenna wawr's oveh," declares Miss Kaplan, fingering her coffee cup at her table in the Sperry Gyroscope Company's Bush Terminal cafeteria, "t'at Joe comes back t'woik 'eeh. It ain' been'a same since 'ee left." "Mmm," comments Mozelewski, jotting a note about peplums in the margin of his copy of "Women's Wear Daily." "Y'know," continues Miss Kaplan, "I been writin' t'Joe reguleh since he wen' ovehseas, but I ain' yet hoid back. He mus' be right up inna t'ick of it, pooeh guy." "I had a coupla lettehs," replies Mozelewski, not looking up. "Got one las' week." "Whas'see say?" demands Miss Kaplan, her eyes flaring. "Did he mention me? Did'ee?" Mozelewski looks up into her expectant gaze, and sighs. "I can't r'membeh," he exhales. "Maybe." "Ahhh," bounces Miss Kaplan. "I knew he wouldn' f'get! I can't wait'lla wawr's oveh! I betcha Joe comes back 'eeh, I bet'ee can't WAIT t'come back 'eeh." "Mmm," nods Mozelewski, jotting some notes about hemlines...)

Local war-bond salesmen have a prize to shoot for when the Sixth War Loan Drive opens in Brooklyn on November 20th, with a quota of $255,000,000. The New York State resident selling the most bonds during the campaign will win a set of four general's stars worn by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower during the invasions of North Africa, Italy, and France. The idea is credited to Joseph R. Springer, president of Brooklyn's Century Theatre circuit, who wrote to the General and requested that he donate some personal item as a prize for the campaign. Brooklyn's quota during the upcoming drive has been set at $39,200,000.


("Brooklyn's a pretty swell place at t'at," declares Alice as the program concludes. "Yeh," nods Krause, kneeling on the floor to show Willie the operation of a radiator valve. "It's a LOT betteh'rn'a lotta places," sighs Alice. "Like, f'rzample, t'Wesfiel' State Fawrm." "Yeh," nods Krause.)


(What, no bowl? Takes real skill to do it free-hand.)


("Leroy Herbert Pfund?" Hope he's got a colorful nickname.)


("Peckin'?" That goose isn't old enough to have been at Roseland in 1937.)


(Point of order -- don't you have to get hit on the BACK of the head to cure amnesia? I mean, in the comics anyway?)


(Well, over the wall!)


(Speaking of 1937...)


(AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE HERO DOG never turns away a friend in need.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News....


No words.


I bet Mr. Hansel was very lonely when they banned Esquire from the mails.


"We need new towels anyway! You know how long it's been since we stayed in a hotel?"


Well, Mama, you should know.


Poor Shaky. He'll never play the banjolele again.


Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick....


Oh, Walt, you're so thick. And sometimes you don't catch onto things, either.


He didn't spend all that time sweeping up in the butcher shop for nothing.


And if the recoil knocked him over, why, he'd bounce right back up.


All right then, let's get back down to business...

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