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- Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
("Sal ast me to do 'eh a faveh t'is Sunday," comments Alice," as she and her husband half-listen to "Gang Busters" in their basement-apartment parlor. "Yeh?" queries Krause, not looking up from his copy of "Popular Mechanics," where he is absorbed in an article decribing the "Air Highways of 1950." "Yeh," nods Alice. "T'is pr'fesseh guy, t'is Minkoff, is comin' oveh t' tawk to 'eh about Leonoreh. An' she wants I should be t'eh. "Yeh?" asks Krause, looking up from his reading material. "She's noivous," shrugs Alice. "She's afraid wit' Joe gawn, t'neighbehs will gawssip. Her seein' a man alone inna 'pawrtment 'nawl." "Heh," chuckles Krause. "I know," agrees Alice. "Who's gonna gawssip? T' Ginsboigs? T'ey wouldn' do t'at. Maybe t'at daughteh a' t'ez might, t'at Mrs. Levy, awrways tellin' me I need t' wawsh t' bedsheets moeh awft'n, but she's livin' out in Maspet'. She ain' got nut'n t'do wit' it. Maybe Mrs. Nucci up onna t'oid flooeh, but she don' hawrdly eveh even come outa t' apartment since 'eh boy inna Navy run awff wit' t'at V-goil fr'm Time Squaeh." "Neh," acknowledges Krause, returning to his magazine. "Y'know who MIGHT try t' stawrt sump'n? declares Alice. "T'at rat Flannehry t' cop. He's gawt it in f'rawluv us. R'membeh what he done t'YOU -- onnawr wedd'n night no less? Gett'nya arrested f'passin'at funny money 'nawlat? I bet he sees t'is Minkoff guy goin' in Sal's apawrtmn', he'll go right out an' stawrtt'a bawl rollin'. He'll tell'at cousin a'his woiks downa t'at drug stoeh, t'at one's awrways sellin' paregoric t' bums, an' it'll be awloveh t'neighbehhood. Sal won' be able t' hol' up'eh head in public. She'll have a REPUTATION! An' ya know, t'at ain' faieh, Sal ain'na type. In fack, y'know what she tol' me oncet? Befoeh she met Joe, she neveh even been wit' nobody. She was savin' 'ehself f' Rudy Vallee! She TOL' me. O'couese, I ain' gawssippin' a'nut'n, but anyways, maybe I oughta do sump'n about Flannehry, y'know? Maybe I oughta fix 'im oncen'f'rawl." Krause looks up again and cogitates the possibilities. He takes his cigar out of his mouth, glances at his wife, and advises "Neh." "Hmph," hmphs Alice. "Well, f'yawr sake, Rosebud, I won' do nut'n. But he betteh keep 'is trap shut. If t'ez one t'ing I hate, it's gawssip.")
German forces today were reported to be fully occupying the Nazi satellite states of southeastern Europe. With Hungary already under full German control, a Nazi force of 50,000 men was reported to be moving across the border into Rumania, siezing all communications facilities, railways, and other strategic points, while S S troops from Vienna were moving into vital points in Slovakia. Various sources, however, reported that the Nazis are facing "some difficulty" in Rumania, with all roads reported jammed with panicky refugees fleeing ahead of the Soviet advance.
The flow of lava from Mount Vesuvius slowed somewhat today, but the volcano continues to spew a steady stream of ash and rock from its cone, with boulders nearly two feet across shooting more than 2000 feet into the air before crashing down like bombs on the mountainside below. The ash sleet was reported to be reddish-colored, giving the sky the impression that it is raining wine. Army bulldozers were working frantically to clear highways for the remaining evacuees from surrounding towns, with ash drifts along the roads reported to be up to two feet deep.
Accusing Mayor LaGuardia and former corporation counsel Paul Windel of engaging in a "sham battle" over the question of a ten-cent subway fare, Brooklyn City Councilman Joseph T. Sharkey today charged that the Mayor is "pussyfooting" around the issue. "I think the Mayor and Windel are putting on a sister act," declared Sharkey. "They appear to be fighting, but I don't know." Appearing before a special meeting of the Sewanhaka Club, Sharkey asserted that the Mayor is trying to blame the City Council for the failure of any action to be taken on the question of a fare increase, even though, he notes, the only thing the Council can do is order a referendum if any rate change is proposed by the Board of Estimate. Yesterday the Board rejected two proposals by Bronx Borough President James J. Lyons to increase the fair, leading to an eruption of feelings between Lyons and Council President Newbold Morris. "Your resolution is dishonest," accused Morris, leading Lyons to denounce Morris as "a mockingbird" taking orders from his friends at the Bankers' Club. Morris heatedly accused Lyons, in turn, of himself being "a tool of interests."
("Hmph," snorts Flannery the Cop, leaning on the drugstore counter as he scans the editorial page. "Ain'nat a disgrace." "Yeh," replies his cousin, handing him a dirty envelope.)
("That's nothing, did you see? He's growing a moustache!")
(What, Leo broke out in a rash? What if he's allergic to pool-cue chalk????)
(I clearly recognize Camilli, Medwick, and Vaughan in the picture too, but I guess -- um -- we can't mention that....)
(Mary is getting as sick of this storyline as we are.)
(George is a brave man or a very stupid man, or possibly both.)
(Officers? PAH! They always stick you with the check!)
(For someone who has been thru the things Scarlet has been thru, she's still disturbingly trusting.)
(It's like Twitter eighty years before its time.)