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- Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Seventeen men arrested in Brooklyn last month have been indicted on a charge of seditious conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States, as well as on a second charge of conspiring to sieze Government property. The indictment before the Brookyln Federal Grand Jury did not mention the Christian Front, organization with which the suspects were known to be affiliated, but did name them as members of "The Action Committee and other organizations." The suspects were arrested on January 15th, and pleaded not guilty to the charges. They will be held on bail totalling $127,500 pending their next court appearance on March 6th.
A former Brooklyn Appeals Judge will head a state commission charged with investigating printing contracts between a number of state agencies and private printing firms. Judge Frederick E. Crane was appointed to the job by Governor Herbert H. Lehman, and was directed by the Governor to investigate any possible criminal activity in connection with the awarding of printing contracts. The Burland Printing Company, already under investigation by Manhattan District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey was specifically cited by the Governor as one target for the state probe,
Two armed bandits using what police called the "gag-the-maid" technique robbed the home of a Brooklyn dress contractor last night, but ran directly into the arms of nearby police. The robbers struck the home of Louis and Rae Zucker at 253 Avenue P while the family was at a movie, and subdued and tied up the maid, 30-year-old Margaret Rochnitzer, before rifling the house for valuables. Fleeing the house with two rings of undetermined value, the robbers ran immediately into a cordon of police radio cars, detectives, patrolmen, and Assistant District Attorney Burton Turkus in person, who had been tipped off in advance that the robbery was to occur. Arrested were 46-year-old Abraham Lewitz of Sheepshead Bay and 26-year-old Harry Fine of Brighton Beach. Police searched Lewitz's residence at 2374 Home Street, where they discovered a young woman who gave her name as Patsy Corcoran, and arrested her for vagrancy. The source of the tip received by Turkus has not been disclosed.
A Williamsburg woman who was rejected for jury service in the trial of Dr. Abraham Ditchick, accused extortionist, fired a dig at Assistant Attorney General John H. Amen after Mr. Amen approved another woman for the panel. Mrs. Ruth Pierce McAvoy, who was rejected by Amen earlier this week, was amused to learn that he had approved Mrs. Ida Mae Denehy for service on the jury, and said to reporters "Maybe it's a case of desperation, inasmuch as Amen hasn't had so much luck with all-male juries. Don't you think?"
Meanwhile, jury selection for Ditchick's trial continued today, with potential jurors questioned about their views on the Amen Office's summoning jurors from the recent Behan case to testify before a grand jury, and whether they might be intimidated by this. So far nine of twelve jurors have been seated for the Ditchick case.
A Finnish Army communique states that Russian losses have reached 1500 for the last two days' fighting near Kuhmo in the northern sector of Finland. Unofficial reports from Finland claim Soviet losses in excess of 20,000 over the past week.
After eight hours of deliberation a Mineola jury convicted former Long Beach patrolman Alvin Dooley of first degree manslaughter in the November 15th shooting of Mayor Louis Edwards. Dooley was calm as the verdict was read, while his family wept softly. He will face a sentence of between ten and twenty years in prison, with sentencing due on February 15th. Defense Attorney Samuel J. Leibowitz, in seeking a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity, had argued that Dooley's mind had been shattered by alcohol, and that his sanity had "crumbled" under persecution by Mayor Edwards. The Judge had reminded jurors that crimes committed under a state of "voluntary intoxication" should be considered no less criminal than crimes committed while sober.
(Leona's mad she got turned down for this ad.)
Organizations of war veterans and teachers are demanding an investigation by the City Council of the American Student Union's operations at the four city-owned colleges. Representatives of the American Legion and the Teachers Alliance of New York City claim the Student Union is Communist-controlled, and demand its "discouragement" as an extra-curricular activity on city-owned campuses.
A 55-year-old Stillwell Avenue man picked up for soliciting alms at the Franklin Avenue IRT subway station in a Santa Claus outfit will serve five days in jail after the magistrate in Brooklyn-Queens Night Court determined that Santa did not, in fact, have a job awaiting him as a model in a Manhattan art class. Santa's real identity was determined to be Robert Evans, who has been convicted on similar charges on eleven different occasions.
"Gone With The Wind" will continue at Loew's Metropolitan at least thru February 21st, with reserved seat tickets for evening and Sunday matinee performances now available thru that date.
Walt Disney's latest animated feature "Pinocchio" has its world premiere in Manhattan at the Center Theatre tonight at 8:45 pm. Regular shows begin tomorrow morning at 10 am.
Opening today at the Patio, it's Sonja Henie in "Everything Happens Right" and Humphrey Bogart in "The Return of Dr. X."
Plans to build a gas station at Fulton and Henry Streets in Brooklyn Heights have been halted by objections from Parks commissioner Robert Moses, who argued that the station would be opposite a playground, and would, if approved, be the wedge used to push further concessions under zoning laws.
Joe Louis expects to dispatch Arturo Godoy in the first round, "ballet dancer's legs" or not. A special preview of Friday night's championship bout featuring interviews with both Louis and Godoy will be heard over WJZ this afternoon at 5pm.
Cardinals boss Branch Rickey says the Dodgers will be "dark horses" in the 1940 pennant race, with whatever chance Brooklyn has of copping the flag stemming from Leo Durocher's brains. But neither does he believe his own club to be a shoo-in for the pennant, despite the consensus of National League managers picking St. Louis for the league title. Rickey expects the Reds, Cubs, Pirates, and even the Giants to be tight in the running. And maybe even the Dodgers too.
Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...
"But...the show must go on!"
Realistically, would any actual cop anywhere go into a situation like this without backup? Tracy would, but he's Tracy. You, Mr. Dunn, are not Tracy.
A former Brooklyn Appeals Judge will head a state commission charged with investigating printing contracts between a number of state agencies and private printing firms. Judge Frederick E. Crane was appointed to the job by Governor Herbert H. Lehman, and was directed by the Governor to investigate any possible criminal activity in connection with the awarding of printing contracts. The Burland Printing Company, already under investigation by Manhattan District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey was specifically cited by the Governor as one target for the state probe,
Two armed bandits using what police called the "gag-the-maid" technique robbed the home of a Brooklyn dress contractor last night, but ran directly into the arms of nearby police. The robbers struck the home of Louis and Rae Zucker at 253 Avenue P while the family was at a movie, and subdued and tied up the maid, 30-year-old Margaret Rochnitzer, before rifling the house for valuables. Fleeing the house with two rings of undetermined value, the robbers ran immediately into a cordon of police radio cars, detectives, patrolmen, and Assistant District Attorney Burton Turkus in person, who had been tipped off in advance that the robbery was to occur. Arrested were 46-year-old Abraham Lewitz of Sheepshead Bay and 26-year-old Harry Fine of Brighton Beach. Police searched Lewitz's residence at 2374 Home Street, where they discovered a young woman who gave her name as Patsy Corcoran, and arrested her for vagrancy. The source of the tip received by Turkus has not been disclosed.
A Williamsburg woman who was rejected for jury service in the trial of Dr. Abraham Ditchick, accused extortionist, fired a dig at Assistant Attorney General John H. Amen after Mr. Amen approved another woman for the panel. Mrs. Ruth Pierce McAvoy, who was rejected by Amen earlier this week, was amused to learn that he had approved Mrs. Ida Mae Denehy for service on the jury, and said to reporters "Maybe it's a case of desperation, inasmuch as Amen hasn't had so much luck with all-male juries. Don't you think?"
Meanwhile, jury selection for Ditchick's trial continued today, with potential jurors questioned about their views on the Amen Office's summoning jurors from the recent Behan case to testify before a grand jury, and whether they might be intimidated by this. So far nine of twelve jurors have been seated for the Ditchick case.
A Finnish Army communique states that Russian losses have reached 1500 for the last two days' fighting near Kuhmo in the northern sector of Finland. Unofficial reports from Finland claim Soviet losses in excess of 20,000 over the past week.
After eight hours of deliberation a Mineola jury convicted former Long Beach patrolman Alvin Dooley of first degree manslaughter in the November 15th shooting of Mayor Louis Edwards. Dooley was calm as the verdict was read, while his family wept softly. He will face a sentence of between ten and twenty years in prison, with sentencing due on February 15th. Defense Attorney Samuel J. Leibowitz, in seeking a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity, had argued that Dooley's mind had been shattered by alcohol, and that his sanity had "crumbled" under persecution by Mayor Edwards. The Judge had reminded jurors that crimes committed under a state of "voluntary intoxication" should be considered no less criminal than crimes committed while sober.
(Leona's mad she got turned down for this ad.)
Organizations of war veterans and teachers are demanding an investigation by the City Council of the American Student Union's operations at the four city-owned colleges. Representatives of the American Legion and the Teachers Alliance of New York City claim the Student Union is Communist-controlled, and demand its "discouragement" as an extra-curricular activity on city-owned campuses.
A 55-year-old Stillwell Avenue man picked up for soliciting alms at the Franklin Avenue IRT subway station in a Santa Claus outfit will serve five days in jail after the magistrate in Brooklyn-Queens Night Court determined that Santa did not, in fact, have a job awaiting him as a model in a Manhattan art class. Santa's real identity was determined to be Robert Evans, who has been convicted on similar charges on eleven different occasions.
"Gone With The Wind" will continue at Loew's Metropolitan at least thru February 21st, with reserved seat tickets for evening and Sunday matinee performances now available thru that date.
Walt Disney's latest animated feature "Pinocchio" has its world premiere in Manhattan at the Center Theatre tonight at 8:45 pm. Regular shows begin tomorrow morning at 10 am.
Opening today at the Patio, it's Sonja Henie in "Everything Happens Right" and Humphrey Bogart in "The Return of Dr. X."
Plans to build a gas station at Fulton and Henry Streets in Brooklyn Heights have been halted by objections from Parks commissioner Robert Moses, who argued that the station would be opposite a playground, and would, if approved, be the wedge used to push further concessions under zoning laws.
Joe Louis expects to dispatch Arturo Godoy in the first round, "ballet dancer's legs" or not. A special preview of Friday night's championship bout featuring interviews with both Louis and Godoy will be heard over WJZ this afternoon at 5pm.
Cardinals boss Branch Rickey says the Dodgers will be "dark horses" in the 1940 pennant race, with whatever chance Brooklyn has of copping the flag stemming from Leo Durocher's brains. But neither does he believe his own club to be a shoo-in for the pennant, despite the consensus of National League managers picking St. Louis for the league title. Rickey expects the Reds, Cubs, Pirates, and even the Giants to be tight in the running. And maybe even the Dodgers too.
"But...the show must go on!"