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The Dark Side to Vintage...have you 'that' urge for a Gothic look..?


New in Town
San Francisco, CA
Goth? Me?

Ok, maybe just a little. Or a lot.




Jack Scorpion

One Too Many
I talk trash on the scene pretty often, but just to soapbox. The look really does well for the girls. The whole midlength hair + bangs and vintage clothes is a good look, if so many of them didn't dress identically. The monotony of style bores me a little. Otherwise, I can respect it (minus the androgyny).

Feeling like an outsider when I went to a live show in San Francisco really put a dent on my enjoyment. But I guess that's my fault.


Call Me a Cab
J. M. Stovall said:
Here in Tejas we have an offshoot called Vatobilly, that's a blending of Rockabilly and Tejano. A friend of mine was a founding member of such a bank back in the 90's, The Dropkick Chijuajuas. We used to be really into it too, then that led so swing, and you know were that led, this whole vintage obsession:eusa_doh:

That sounds interesting. I do love the LA Latiino scene which leans less towards rockabilly and western and greaser, and more towards rock and roll and R an B form the forties and fifties, California sportswear, flashy shoes loung coats etc, and old cars. Of course they have great heair piled high and do mix with the rockabilly, but it is a much more 40s kind of look. Great guys and gals, especially the ones that cultivate a Freda Kalo look.

I have a friend who has a goth band and they played in Texas then a show in Mexico. He was amazed to see a sea of Mexican and Mexican american goths. I thought, of course. Mexicans have always loved the dark, and been much more comfortable with death and having fun with it all.

I also notice that Latinos tend to be present in a lot of scenes and they have a way of making it their own.

Miss Neecerie

I'll Lock Up
The land of Sinatra, Hoboken
Jack Scorpion said:
if so many of them didn't dress identically. The monotony of style bores me a little. Otherwise, I can respect it (minus the androgyny).

And they can't see the difference between a 1950 suit and a 1920 suit.....or the difference between a Borsalino and any other hat you could care to name.

So to them -you all look the same- too...

Hence my comments about not making judgemental opinions about other social groups....lest they judge you.......

D...once again talking to herself and the walls...

Jack Scorpion

One Too Many
Miss Neecerie said:
And they can't see the difference between a 1950 suit and a 1920 suit.....or the difference between a Borsalino and any other hat you could care to name.

So to them -you all look the same- too...

You win. Although, I couldn't tell the difference either!
Black all the time with dark makeup kind of gets to me. Live a little. Smile and think thoughts that aren't morbid. Put down the grave marker eh? :p
The whiney music is another story. :eusa_doh: Been to a few of those concerts against my good judgement. The things I do for friends. :rolleyes:




Call Me a Cab
jamespowers said:
Black all the time with dark makeup kind of gets to me. Live a little. Smile and think thoughts that aren't morbid. Put down the grave marker eh? :p
The whiney music is another story. :eusa_doh: Been to a few of those concerts against my good judgement. The things I do for friends. :rolleyes:



My friend always plays me his music, or gives me cds of it, and I have to say "Well, it isn't what I normally like, but I can appreciate it. And I can see how people that are into it really love your music. You guys are good." It is all the minor keys that get to me. I really like very little music except for swing and jump blues and some earlier rock and roll. It is not about devotion to the era. It is the swinging dance beat and the upbeat happy sound.

As far as the aesthetics, I think the idea that modern life is all about fake happiness and sweeping all negativity undedr the rug, therefore in rebellion I am going to celebrate the dark and death makes a certain amount of sense. The beats did it too in celebrating the beat and downcast and underclasses.

But I find it pretty hard to take seriously coming from a 16 year old suburbanite. Of course I find it hard to take anything seriously coming from a 16 year old suburbanite including me at that age.


A-List Customer
Brighton, UK
Astrobeej said:


One thing that always confuses me is how Goth is always associated with depressing music. Most of the earlier goth stuff is actually pretty upbeat and silly, it may not be singing about sunshine and pwetty fwuffy bunny wabbits, but for the most part it's not that depressing. It did go through a bit of a mopey phase, which, thank god, seems to have died.

The way I see it, we all like different music, and we should all be free to listen to what we like. (Though if anyone plays metal to me I'm likely to want to hurt them).

As for the clothes, they are just clothes! No big deal. [huh]

On that note.. I get to go listen to my friend DJing at a metal night.. oh woe is me..


Call Me a Cab
Miss Neecerie said:
And they can't see the difference between a 1950 suit and a 1920 suit.....or the difference between a Borsalino and any other hat you could care to name.

So to them -you all look the same- too...

Heck, I found it hard not to be a snob in the swing days in San Francisco. I only knew a few people that I felt were true vintage afficionados who really knew how to create a vintage look, and the rest were all just following a trend and didn't really look that interesting to my eye and were not all that much kindred spirits to me.

But they were having fun and so was I, so I just enjoyed the fact that I could go out and be with 500 people at a dance that at least dressed up and created a great scene.


A-List Customer
Brighton, UK
reetpleat said:
But they were having fun and so was I, so I just enjoyed the fact that I could go out and be with 500 people at a dance that at least dressed up and created a great scene.

Sounds like the first time I went to a Goth club :p
reetpleat said:
I think the idea that modern life is all about fake happiness and sweeping all negativity undedr the rug, therefore in rebellion I am going to celebrate the dark and death makes a certain amount of sense.

I would acknowledge it but I sure don't want to celebrate it everyday. Death comes soon enough and the dark comes every evening. :p

reetpleat said:
But I find it pretty hard to take seriously coming from a 16 year old suburbanite.

That is sort of my point. What life have they lived to be so dark about a few years off the sippy cup? :eusa_doh: ;)



Hemingway Jones

I'll Lock Up
Acton, Massachusetts

I see dead people. :eek: ;)

Great photo, Paddy. You are, as always, a good sport and a good natured fellow. I salute you. :)

As for the Goth movement in general, if you dress like the dead and go out in public, you have to expect a reaction. The reaction you'll get from me is bemusement and a certain comic admiration. Perhaps one day I will purchase a Palazzo in Venice, fill it with my books and collections, dress in a long Carnivale cloak with a white mask and tricorn hat, and haunt the back alleys at night like some shrouded shade. Though there, I suspect, I would not be so out of place. ;)
The make-up suits ye, Paddy. Nice costume.

On the other discussion: By far and away the best looking woman i've ever seen was dressed ultra-goth at a Current 93 concert in Toronto. Amazing. I think every man that was in the room (well, church) that night is still pining a little to see that girl again.


Hemingway Jones

I'll Lock Up
Acton, Massachusetts

Seriously though, not really Goth, but certainly dramatic, I am in the market for a frock coat for that 19th Century look and I am going to assemble a full Venetian 17th Century Carnivale costume with a white La Bauta mask. I already have the mask. ;)

And least my former comments be misconstrued, I celebrate anyone who has the guts to be different.
Hemingway Jones said:
I am going to assemble a full Venetian 17th Century Carnivale costume with a white La Bauta mask. I already have the mask. ;)

That mask didn't used to be on your pictured manakin from your last Euro trip would it? ;)
That reminds me that I have to take my frock coat to the tailor to get the satin collar fixed. Darn age and thread rot. :(



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