So, I am working on converting an old Bailey Firehole that I have, into something with a bit higher and straighter crown, and less of a brim. The kicker is that I am doing this with no tools whatsoever, and not trimming anything.
Here is a before pic. Notice the low crown, severe taper (probably the result of the abuse it took mountain climbing), and just general lack of shape in the hat.
And here is how I am "reblocking" it. I use the term very loosely.
Yes that is a jar that used to hold biscotti, and a leather belt. Very high tech and sophisticated.
Here is the result of that, with an open crown, but a disaster of a brim.
and here is another pic, with a bit of shape in the crown.
So at this point, I just need to work out the brim, most likely will be done with an iron, and find a decent ribbon, and probably tweak the crown a bit more. Anyone have a spare ribbon, in awful condition, that they want to send my way, or advice on how to finish this conversion with no real tools?
Here is a before pic. Notice the low crown, severe taper (probably the result of the abuse it took mountain climbing), and just general lack of shape in the hat.

And here is how I am "reblocking" it. I use the term very loosely.

Yes that is a jar that used to hold biscotti, and a leather belt. Very high tech and sophisticated.
Here is the result of that, with an open crown, but a disaster of a brim.

and here is another pic, with a bit of shape in the crown.

So at this point, I just need to work out the brim, most likely will be done with an iron, and find a decent ribbon, and probably tweak the crown a bit more. Anyone have a spare ribbon, in awful condition, that they want to send my way, or advice on how to finish this conversion with no real tools?