Daniele Tanto
I'll Lock Up
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- Verona - Italia
For all the lovers of Borsalino - Alessandria - Italia as example of excellent craftmanship here the is the relation of Workforce and production in 1947
This could be a little boring, the translation is rough but it is the situation of Borsalino in 1947
Workforce and production
year 1947
employees 2286
hats products 962 089
Business Situation
Despite the company declared contrary to new hires, the organic Borsalino continued to grow: the '47, however, was a good year in terms of production, both in terms of the total hours of work, both for the number of made-up articles: the exports exceeded prewar levels with as many as 400,000 pieces shipped overseas on a total production of 962 089 hats.
Composition and activities of the CI
In January there were constituted union representatives intermediate compared to CI, the Delegates of department: it was probably related bodies to the Commissioners of the department present in large companies Turin. Most delegates department listed at the CGIL and this' explains the fierce opposition of the company for such representative forms strongly characterized the union level and political. We read that the Board, having learned that some workers had absented momentarily from work "on the grounds that, being delegates Department had to confer with the CI, declare 'that he could not" absolutely allow "that trade union functions were performed within the plant "and that the functions of the Executive Officers of the Department could not be accepted" because not provided for by the agreements "(January 16).
In September, elections were held for the renewal of the representative trade union. Under the new rules established by the Agreement interconfederal of 7 August. nine were elected representatives, including two representing the employees.
Representatives of the workers:
• Maria Bensi
• Teresa Lenses
• Vito Prato
• Antonio Valfrè
• Eraldo Rinante
• Silvio Scassi
• Giuseppe Goglino
• Represented Employees:
• Ernesto Costa (then John Chamber)
• Ernesto Predazzi
The main disputes
One of the major disputes about 'the payment of an advance to be served on the thirteenth, the CI obtained after promoting a series of agitations.
In terms of wages, the workers got some salary increases arising out interconfederal minimum wage for the workers of the hat factories in Northern Italy, signed agreement, in his capacity as president of Federcappello, by the President of Borsalino, Teresio Usuelli (July 9 ). The C.I. accept 'willingly traditional business proposition to bring together the production personnel in a single category wage, but monster' more 'combative terms of disciplinary sanctions, under the rules in the new Agreement on interconfederal CI that allowed the body to make trade union opposition to layoffs and ricorrre ultimately to an arbitration.
The strikes occurred:
in the third week of April in support of the national dispute request a reward,
May 3 on "instructions issued by the CGIL" following the massacre of May Day in Portella: it began at 11 am and lasted all afternoon
For new staff, the company had devised a form of fixed-term employment, or "sunset clause '," which in the opinion of the CI was not able to provide their employees' tranquility' of the workplace ", for which was put forward the request that, after the trial period (six months), these workers were "treated like other workers" (March 26) the Management it played in the retort that had been the CI same to suggest to protect older employees compared to the new, thus managing to evade the request.
On the issue of layoffs, the company could easily circumvent the opposition of the CI making use of the clause that the resolution of the employment relationship could regardless of any kind of constraint approval or endorsement "(March 5) if occurred as a result of a" relationship of different department heads. "Another trick was the use of the formula of "poor performance" (December 3). In November, the oversupply problem of staff was put bluntly: the Directorate communicate 'that because of' 'surplus maestranza "was necessary a reduction of the work force, stating that," to make the measure more' mild possible "the first names were chosen from among the senior staff recalled to duty" (19 November)
In the early months of problems of overproduction led the company to reduce the working time: to prevent such situations did get off the wages to intolerable levels, the CI solicited and obtained, the reuse of workers in a department other.
The action shifts to reductive was implemented over the year, particularly in the last months of the year. According to the provisions of article 16 of the Concordat for the truce wage on public holidays were paid by reason of normal plant, but for a Borsalino normal hours over the year did not exist and it was therefore common practice remunerate holidays on the basis of weekly. If therefore the festivities' of the December 8 is wound up at the rate of six hours (3 December) we learn that at that period of the working time was around 36 hours settimanai.
For organizational reasons (fuel economy) was granted to the workers the benefit of two days of holidays' in view of June 2, Republic Day, it was decided to consider non-working Saturday, June 1, agreeing that in three days of the week next would be made a time of 9 hours and that this "bonus time" would continue even in the weeks to come.
In periods when the tension with the workers was strong, the company resorted to its traditional paternalism, as well evidenced by the reasons given in granting holidays' on March 19 (St. Joseph), all designed to "demonstrate its good will 'to acquiesce to particular desires, especially in the face of imminent discussion of the regulatory part of the Contract "(March 26).
The exceptional summer heat I determine 'a variation on leave schedule: CI and management agreed to limit to 5 hours and a half working hours for three days before the four of leave, with the understanding that with the reopening of the plant it would be increased to nine hours (August 4)
The C.I. able 'to wrest wage increases for night shifts to Taglieria hair: succeeded' in fact to impose the company "a quid compensatory" 10% of wages, despite the Department asserted that no present or past employment contract had never expected increases wages for shift workers (April 2)
In April, on behalf of the Provincial Union of Workers of the Hat, the CI surplus' a formal request so that 'were allowed "to workers a premium equal to the amount of a quattordicina for workers and middle mensilita' for employees ... in recognition of the hardships endured in the winter": the refusal of the company I determine 'abstention from work to protest the four-day, which ended with bsi uh agreement "signed in the presence of the Prefect dated April 18, 1947" the agreement, the result of the solution of the dispute at national level, provided for the grant to workers 56 hours of pay, including 40 non-repayable.
Most successful was instead the request, made in reference to the Renewal Agreement Interconfederale Truce wage, with which it was requested an advance of 100 hours on the Christmas bonus (July 10): it was granted on the basis of 100 hours for employees already in service since 1946, while for new employees settled "16 hours for each full month" of work. (July 27).
The negotiations on business' Agreement interconfederal minimum wage for the hat factories in Northern Italy, the port 'to the signing of an agreement between management and internal CI (July 14) according to which stable' according to the custom of not dividing the workers in different wage categories, but to group them into a "unique category, separately for men and for women", with the following hourly wage:
L. 48.40
L. 33.65
auxiliary staff
L. 52.15
L. 47.15
men specialized
L. 42
men generic
L. 40.40
L. 27.85
Compared to the parameters specified in the contract can be seen as the single category you would put halfway between the first and second categories. As for the piece, as the agreement stated that the rates were to allow "the worker's normal capacity laborious' work a gain not less than the wage economy increased by 15%", the workers of a department demanded a salary "commensurate with the minimum wage worker casual laborer ", stating bluntly that waiting to get a favorable response would suspend work. After stigmatized the fact as a manifestation of "indiscipline vis both the industry norm is also in regard to CI" who had censored, the Directorate was resolved to grant the pay was rounded by L. L. 48.40 49 "(August 4)
This could be a little boring, the translation is rough but it is the situation of Borsalino in 1947
Workforce and production
year 1947
employees 2286
hats products 962 089
Business Situation
Despite the company declared contrary to new hires, the organic Borsalino continued to grow: the '47, however, was a good year in terms of production, both in terms of the total hours of work, both for the number of made-up articles: the exports exceeded prewar levels with as many as 400,000 pieces shipped overseas on a total production of 962 089 hats.
Composition and activities of the CI
In January there were constituted union representatives intermediate compared to CI, the Delegates of department: it was probably related bodies to the Commissioners of the department present in large companies Turin. Most delegates department listed at the CGIL and this' explains the fierce opposition of the company for such representative forms strongly characterized the union level and political. We read that the Board, having learned that some workers had absented momentarily from work "on the grounds that, being delegates Department had to confer with the CI, declare 'that he could not" absolutely allow "that trade union functions were performed within the plant "and that the functions of the Executive Officers of the Department could not be accepted" because not provided for by the agreements "(January 16).
In September, elections were held for the renewal of the representative trade union. Under the new rules established by the Agreement interconfederal of 7 August. nine were elected representatives, including two representing the employees.
Representatives of the workers:
• Maria Bensi
• Teresa Lenses
• Vito Prato
• Antonio Valfrè
• Eraldo Rinante
• Silvio Scassi
• Giuseppe Goglino
• Represented Employees:
• Ernesto Costa (then John Chamber)
• Ernesto Predazzi
The main disputes
One of the major disputes about 'the payment of an advance to be served on the thirteenth, the CI obtained after promoting a series of agitations.
In terms of wages, the workers got some salary increases arising out interconfederal minimum wage for the workers of the hat factories in Northern Italy, signed agreement, in his capacity as president of Federcappello, by the President of Borsalino, Teresio Usuelli (July 9 ). The C.I. accept 'willingly traditional business proposition to bring together the production personnel in a single category wage, but monster' more 'combative terms of disciplinary sanctions, under the rules in the new Agreement on interconfederal CI that allowed the body to make trade union opposition to layoffs and ricorrre ultimately to an arbitration.
The strikes occurred:
in the third week of April in support of the national dispute request a reward,
May 3 on "instructions issued by the CGIL" following the massacre of May Day in Portella: it began at 11 am and lasted all afternoon
For new staff, the company had devised a form of fixed-term employment, or "sunset clause '," which in the opinion of the CI was not able to provide their employees' tranquility' of the workplace ", for which was put forward the request that, after the trial period (six months), these workers were "treated like other workers" (March 26) the Management it played in the retort that had been the CI same to suggest to protect older employees compared to the new, thus managing to evade the request.
On the issue of layoffs, the company could easily circumvent the opposition of the CI making use of the clause that the resolution of the employment relationship could regardless of any kind of constraint approval or endorsement "(March 5) if occurred as a result of a" relationship of different department heads. "Another trick was the use of the formula of "poor performance" (December 3). In November, the oversupply problem of staff was put bluntly: the Directorate communicate 'that because of' 'surplus maestranza "was necessary a reduction of the work force, stating that," to make the measure more' mild possible "the first names were chosen from among the senior staff recalled to duty" (19 November)
In the early months of problems of overproduction led the company to reduce the working time: to prevent such situations did get off the wages to intolerable levels, the CI solicited and obtained, the reuse of workers in a department other.
The action shifts to reductive was implemented over the year, particularly in the last months of the year. According to the provisions of article 16 of the Concordat for the truce wage on public holidays were paid by reason of normal plant, but for a Borsalino normal hours over the year did not exist and it was therefore common practice remunerate holidays on the basis of weekly. If therefore the festivities' of the December 8 is wound up at the rate of six hours (3 December) we learn that at that period of the working time was around 36 hours settimanai.
For organizational reasons (fuel economy) was granted to the workers the benefit of two days of holidays' in view of June 2, Republic Day, it was decided to consider non-working Saturday, June 1, agreeing that in three days of the week next would be made a time of 9 hours and that this "bonus time" would continue even in the weeks to come.
In periods when the tension with the workers was strong, the company resorted to its traditional paternalism, as well evidenced by the reasons given in granting holidays' on March 19 (St. Joseph), all designed to "demonstrate its good will 'to acquiesce to particular desires, especially in the face of imminent discussion of the regulatory part of the Contract "(March 26).
The exceptional summer heat I determine 'a variation on leave schedule: CI and management agreed to limit to 5 hours and a half working hours for three days before the four of leave, with the understanding that with the reopening of the plant it would be increased to nine hours (August 4)
The C.I. able 'to wrest wage increases for night shifts to Taglieria hair: succeeded' in fact to impose the company "a quid compensatory" 10% of wages, despite the Department asserted that no present or past employment contract had never expected increases wages for shift workers (April 2)
In April, on behalf of the Provincial Union of Workers of the Hat, the CI surplus' a formal request so that 'were allowed "to workers a premium equal to the amount of a quattordicina for workers and middle mensilita' for employees ... in recognition of the hardships endured in the winter": the refusal of the company I determine 'abstention from work to protest the four-day, which ended with bsi uh agreement "signed in the presence of the Prefect dated April 18, 1947" the agreement, the result of the solution of the dispute at national level, provided for the grant to workers 56 hours of pay, including 40 non-repayable.
Most successful was instead the request, made in reference to the Renewal Agreement Interconfederale Truce wage, with which it was requested an advance of 100 hours on the Christmas bonus (July 10): it was granted on the basis of 100 hours for employees already in service since 1946, while for new employees settled "16 hours for each full month" of work. (July 27).
The negotiations on business' Agreement interconfederal minimum wage for the hat factories in Northern Italy, the port 'to the signing of an agreement between management and internal CI (July 14) according to which stable' according to the custom of not dividing the workers in different wage categories, but to group them into a "unique category, separately for men and for women", with the following hourly wage:
L. 48.40
L. 33.65
auxiliary staff
L. 52.15
L. 47.15
men specialized
L. 42
men generic
L. 40.40
L. 27.85
Compared to the parameters specified in the contract can be seen as the single category you would put halfway between the first and second categories. As for the piece, as the agreement stated that the rates were to allow "the worker's normal capacity laborious' work a gain not less than the wage economy increased by 15%", the workers of a department demanded a salary "commensurate with the minimum wage worker casual laborer ", stating bluntly that waiting to get a favorable response would suspend work. After stigmatized the fact as a manifestation of "indiscipline vis both the industry norm is also in regard to CI" who had censored, the Directorate was resolved to grant the pay was rounded by L. L. 48.40 49 "(August 4)