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The Agents of F.L.A.S.K.

Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
I am Holy Dublin Catholic and believe in spirits; double barreled served over rock ice.:)

Personally, I’m waiting for someone to correctly solve the combination lock test.
Famous reincarnation researcher Dr Ian Stevenson (U of Virginia) devised a “test” whereby people would make up their own unforgettable six word jingle which they could then convert into a combination lock combination using a standard code. They would set the combination lock code themself and give the locked lock to the U of Va. Theory being that, after they died, they would remember the jingle and somehow pass it on to the living/family/friends. The code would be used to decipher the phrase and, voila, the lock could be opened and the existence of the afterlife proved! Simple. It’s my understanding that the University of Virginia has a cabinet full of these locks. None, however, has been successfully opened. As far as I know.


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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
Here at the Fedora Lounge Adventure Speakeasy Klub (F.L.A.S.K.), we love a good historic sword that is purported to have magical powers.

Any other legendary blades that we should add to the list?

Oh, no! The legendary sword of Roland has been stolen from a French village!


I can only imagine that some nefarious arch villain needs the enchanted blade to fulfill a task that will have earthshaking evil consequences. Is there no hero ready to step forward and rescue the sword of Roland???

Quote: “Police are trying to determine how someone could have scaled 100 feet of sheer rock face to snatch the sword.”
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I'll Lock Up
New Forest
One morning in the summer, early starters for work in the City of Coventry, were amused to find a set of footprints, the size of Lady Godiva's foot, from the plinth of her statue to a nearby public convenience.

The newspaper were also into their share of originality with the headline: "The Lady's Bladder Could Hold It No Longer!"
My neighbour was amused by the above story, he gave me a link to the local Coventry newspaper which reads:

"Following the recent news of vandalism to our iconic St Michael and the Devil statue, an individual came forward to the police and has since made a face-to-face apology with staff at Coventry Cathedral.
Coventry Cathedral, decided not to press charges, but wanted to speak to the 20-year-old as part of a restorative justice process.
Revd Mary Gregory, Canon for Arts and Reconciliation at the Cathedral, said: “It was not easy for the person who damaged the statue to come to the Cathedral to apologise. They, and their friends who chose to accompany them for this conversation, were clearly ashamed by their actions and wanted, not only to apologise but also to contribute towards the cost of making good the damage they had caused."

To explain "the vandalism" in that news article I need to explain that the building is known as: The Cathedral Church of Saint Michael. On the wall beside the entrance is the statue of St. Michael the Arch Angel, standing over a defeated Lucifer.

saint-michael.jpg Lucifer.jpg
My neighbour's Grandson either attends a college in the City, or he went to some function there, I'm not sure, it's not relevant. What the Grandson did do though, was the reported vandalism. This picture of the statue of Lucifer doesn't show how very well endowed The Old Devil is.

Grandson's crime? He and others managed to climb on one another's shoulders and stretch a condom over Lucifer's, ahem, appendage.

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