That Hopkins looks superb.
I just looked back at Meyers site, and they list the Panama Open Road now with a black ribbon hatband. When I got mine a couple of months ago it came with a dark tan hatband which complements the overall color better than a black.
Wow, Rick. That Hopkins looks superb. Will you change the cattleman's crease?
Sunbody has a fine Guatemalan panama hat that looks pretty close to the one above. Comes in open crown and has a three inch brim...I've got one and I like it as much as my shantung open road--maybe more!
Is the Guatemalan OR you posted below the Panama for sale somewhere?
For Josh and those interested, this is a shot of the inside of this Stetson Panama. The crown height is about
5 1/4 at the top of the highest peaks of the crease and about 4 at the "valley".
So Josh, I assume you're going to steam out the cattleman's crease and recrease the hat? I am curious to see how that turns out. Keep us posted and good luck.
I'm still getting used to mine, but the Panama OR does have that straight and (with the cattleman crease) squared-off look that I like. It is tall. I'm trying to steam in a little up-curve to the sides of the brim without losing the down swoop in front. So far, not much luck. (How much steam does this thing need, anyway?)
But it is lightweight and fits well, and keeps the sun off my face!
Landman and jkingrph, the Panama OR at Meyer's is a creamy color with a hint of yellow, sort of like vanilla ice cream, with a dark tan thin ribbon. Much nicer than the little pic on the website, which looks more mustard yellow with a black ribbon.
The first thing to go is going to be the cattlemans crease....I will steam the crown back to open and see what kind of block profile the hat will have. If its a fairly straight block, then I will use a center dent with pinches. If the block is too round, I may have to reblock it with a straighter block. That will probably lower the crown height, so I might go with a diamond crease. ...
Is that even POSSIBLE? Will most panamas hold up to re-crease?
I thought it was pretty much a "done deal".
Please document your process and progress!