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Pecard Classic Leather Dressing vs. Pecard Antique Leather Dressing

Yes, aniline is the pigment part of the tanning process...think of it like wood stain vs. paint. Semi-aniline has pigment in it to give an "even coat".


South of Nashville
What type of leather are aniline please, is it Horse of just a method of tanning any leather. I have used Ko-Cho on my WWII A2 for years and it has had no il effects yet. Should it fall apart, which I do hope it doesn't , I would put it down to being a very old dead horse that has been worn a lot rather than the conditioner I have used.
It is a method of dyeing the leather. Can be either horse, cow or goat, as I understand it.
On US Amazon:
The listing notes that it is not suitable for aniline leather. Are you sure your jacket or liner wasn't dyed with aniline dye?
Some interesting reading on this and the other thread.

I clicked on that amazon link and also noticed there was an advert / link for something called Leather Honey Leather Conditioner on there too. This claims to be the "best conditioner since 1968"! Anyone used this?


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Practically Family
Staten Island New York
Thanks for all of the responses so far. Apologies for the novice faux pas of asking something that has been addressed and rehashed every few weeks. I'm sure there were some eye rolls among those seeing ANOTHER PECARD question thread.... My Bad :confused: I did search the forums for information but didn't dig deep enough apparently to find the particulars on Pecard Antique vs. Regular dressing.

That said, I should have known we all have our methods to our madness and that the question of leather conditioning is tantamount to asking about Home Cold Remedies or Grandmas Recipe for Meatloaf. There are going to be opinions and feelings and facts and fictions of varying degrees and some are bound to contradict each other.

First, there are different products and different intended uses they are marketed for obviously. Saddlery and Tack for horses is not the same leather as leather seats in a Porsche or leather work boots or fancy cowboy boots. Leather for real moto ride gear is used differently than just sporting a leather jacket around town. Obviously the "around town" jacket isn't getting road dirt, debris and bug guts spattered against it at 80 MPH. None of these leathers are necessarily the same as a fine leather desk chair or couch etc. etc. etc.......

SO, I think a there needs to be some sorting out of what is said and known about leather from the leather type and intended use perspective. Meaning if you read an article about Horse Saddle reconditioning or Moto ride gear conditioning, though many aspects of the process and reasoning may ring true for ALL leather treatment, there are particular things done to those leathers that not all leathers necessarily require because their intended use is different.

WARNING--BLASPHEMIC PROCLAMATION HERE: I am actually starting to question whether Pecard is what I should be using at all in my leather collection. This is echoing bluesmandan and Mr. Shackleton's posts somewhat in that I have always been advised to steer clear of Petroleum based leather conditioners and it appears Pecard with its close similarity to Vaseline is petroleum based. (SideNote--Not surprising that Harley Davidson repackages and markets Pecard dressing under its own brand as both companies are Wisconsin based).

This is NOT intended as critical indictment of any kind of Pecard products. I think it could be that Pecard may be a product more appropriate for Moto gear that WILL see the road and all the grime that comes with it. Perhaps it waterproofs more strongly than other products?? Others may be more appropriate for Saddles as they are equipment and not apparel.

I had been using Lexol Deep Clean for cleaning and Lexol Deep Conditioner but had heard others saying it was ineffective and touting Oberhaufs, Chamberlain, Pecard, Mink Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Vaseline etc. so I decided to buy some Pecard and see how it compared. Ultimately, each person's experience is unique and if you have something you really feel works for you, by all means stick with what you like.

I think that I will stick with the Lexol products but will try the Pecard on one jacket as well to gauge how I like working with it. I will also look into the Oberhaufs as suggested.

That said, and this is not an Ad for Lexol here, but I found an informative interview on Reddit with Dr. Don Jenkins and Phil Meyers from Summit Industries, the parent company and manufacturer of Lexol products. I encourage anyone interested in this ongoing debate to read this interview. The explanations and debunked myths are interesting and factual. Obviously, there is a tinge of marketing bias being that the interview is with Lexol's people. Look through this though to glean what you will.

Here is a link for the Reddit posted interview. I think it can be found elsewhere but this is one link to it (apologies if this has been previously posted):


I'm not some voice in wilderness trying to convert anyone or foul everyone's weekend with a debate that may just boil down to personal taste here. I just found it informative and it corrected some things in my mind regarding leather conditioning.

Additional input, comments, experiences, reactions to the Lexol interview etc. would be appreciated but I understand if this is something people don't want to get into.

Never talk about religion or politics at a party--AND Never ask about what leather conditioners members use in the Fedora Lounge lest---our tenuous Peace be shattered :eek: !!!

I have been Searching for years on what is the best leather conditioner. I tried them all. No matter what conditioner that I use I try to use as little as possible you don't want to over condition your leather I did that once on a Schott Jacket and I ruined it, it just became so soggy and heavy
I like BICKMORE Bick 4. I just used a light wipe down on a Schott Horsehide I just bought used. As far as Picards I find that after a month the jacket feels dry again.
So If I need to keep putting on Pecards I might as well use BICKMORE. As for Obenauf's I use their Oil on my Boots.
Their LP Grease Attracts all the dust.
It's true a lot of the manufacturers of these conditioners say that once it's absorbed in the leather it's helping the leather fibers not be so rough against each other.

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