Personally think it’s lot of people buying second hand from Japan for some of these brands and trying to flip it. Can’t find a 44 over there.The fedora lounge! eBay! You'll find tons of great jackets for sale! What's left out of this comment is the "if you're a 38" . Even the few 42-44 "fit like a roomy 38"
I can’t imagine how broke I would be buying from Japanese sites if I wore a 38 lol. It’s probably for the best I don’t.Personally think it’s lot of people buying second hand from Japan for some of these brands and trying to flip it. Can’t find a 44 over there.
I'm 5'10 165lbs and wear a Thedi M.I've been eying a few on Thurston Bros stock section, those are new and pricey. There's a few that I like but used/worn sites are worthless for people over/under a certain size. My size Thedi(3X) is $200 more than XL. There's more material in a 3x I get it. But $200? On a jacket that's already $1,600 the tall tax is real I guess!