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New Ladies and Gents Step Forward


New in Town
South Carolina
I am a 40ish small-town Southern lawyer. Between work and church I have the opportunity and privilege to wear a suit and tie at least six days a week. I take my sartorial inspiration from the Golden Age of Style. I always display a pocket square and often wear a fedora or a boater.

I have a blog on classic style called A Southern Gentleman. The link is in my signature if anyone wants to check it out. I have a vintage family photo contest going on now, and I would welcome your submissions.

I have lurked around The Fedora Lounge for some time, and look forward to becoming a part of the community.



One of the Regulars
Portland, OR
hello ladies

My name is Nancy. I'm a 24 year old from Portland, OR.

I can't quite remember how I found the Fedora Lounge exactly but it was to do with reading around the vintage sewing blog community. That's what got me lurking the 'show us what you've made' thread and it went from there. You ladies also inspired me to try vintage hairstyling; pin curl sets, hot sticks, etc.

And as for my favorite decades; I can find exceptions up to the 60s but I really love the 20s through 40s style. One of my top style inspirations/admirations is Greta Garbo in Anna Karenina.


Familiar Face
Sacramento, CA
Hello ladies :)
my name is Nicole and I am a 17 year old high school student. I just joined the lounge, all though I've been reading many of the posts. I love vintage things and vintage inspired things, also I think you ladies have so many great ideas and tips, so i decided to join. My favorite eras are the 1940ss and 50's. I love the fashion, the music and the attitude of the people. I play the piano and I'm learning how to sew. Well there's some about me

so hello everyone :)


New in Town
Hello ladies!
I just wanted to say its fun to be back in the arms of the lounge! I was a member on here about 5 years ago, but life took me away from the computer for a while.

I love the knowledge, insight and amazing amount of passion that I see you all have and its so exciting! My husband and I love living and collecting all things WWII and mid century and he particularly has a passion for militaria.

Any way its great to be back.


New in Town
Hello everyone, I am new here today, came across it on yahoo answers whilst searching for forums dedicated to by gone era's and found this and I am so excited that I have.
I have been browsing through and it looks like I have found everything I am looking for all in one place!
I am very interested in everything from vintage clothing and music etc, but I have to say that clothing would be my main area of interest, I am wanting to build my very own vintage wardrobe, to start with just to wear on special occasions but as my collection grows, it is an aim of mine to wear exculsively vintage styles only (everyone says to me that I was born in the wrong era) I have a feeling that this forum has all the information that I am ever going to need and I am looking forward to becoming part of this wonderful community :)

Mr Vim

One Too Many
Juneau, Alaska
Hello all, Mr Vim here from the U.S.of A.

I only say so because I move around a lot, as I am currently enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard. Recently I moved to Juneau, Alaska and have found it the perfect climate for my tastes.

I have a passion for dressing to the nines. I feel that today's society has lost something crucial to itself in how it dresses. Everything is a bit too casual. I rebel against this casualness-ness. So as I am compiling my wardrobe, I plan to post pictures.

I own seven hats (*I think*) mostly fedoras, my favorite fedora has to be a fur felt Tomaz and Williamson Stingy I purchased from JJ Hat Center in New York City. And thanks to Juneau being such a mild climate I can wear it all the time here!

Take care all,
Mr. Vim


New in Town
Very nice forums..

Hello Fedora Forum folks (try saying that real fast lol ).

I joined about a week ago after a while of reading around the forums off and on for a few months.

I also love to look at the many many photos posted by members.

I have a question, too. I am not sure if I should post a new thread about it, so I'll ask in here first being as how I've noticed that regular members use this area as well as us newbies.

Here's my question: one of my favorite designs here is right in the main Fedora Forums banner at the top of the page; that cool 40s detective looking fellow in the great fedora.

I like it so much that I copied it to my graphics editing utility, "Gimp," and selected-out the circled portrait and use that as my avatar at another forum called "Android Forums" at www.androidforums.com," where I've been a member since January.

It occurred to me that it might not be acceptable by the designers and forum admin(s) here for me to do that.

Please let me know about this and I'll happily change my avatar over there.

If it's ok, thank you! Maybe I should put a link to this site in my profile or in a thread, etc. Just let me know.

- Frisco

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
Hello everyone!

I’m ‘new’ to the lounge, but ‘old’ to vintage. *lol* As a child and teenager, I grew up with my mother owning/running an antique store out of our house. She specialized in vintage clothing and jewellery and so my own obsession began. I’ve been collecting all kinds of things for many, many years..costume jewellery, compacts, household items, patterns, dolls, etc.

Growing up I had, and wore, some vintage but was more into other looks at the time. For the past several years however, I’ve been wearing vintage and vintage repro clothes. Luckily, my mom had some left over stock from her shop. ;0
I look forward to meeting and chatting with all of you.

Black Dahlia

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
At home

Hello everyone!

I’m so happy to have found a forum with like minded individuals/lovers of past eras. I feel at home!

As I stated in another thread: I’m ‘new’ to the lounge, but ‘old’ to vintage. *lol* As a child and teenager, I grew up with my mother owning/running an antique store out of our house. She specialized in vintage clothing and jewellery and so my own obsession began. I’ve been collecting all kinds of things for many, many years..costume jewellery, compacts, household items, patterns, dolls, magazines, etc.

Growing up I had, and wore, some vintage but was more into other looks at the time. For the past several years however, I’ve been wearing vintage and vintage repro clothes. Luckily, my mom had some left over stock from her shop. ;0

I look forward to meeting and chatting with all of you.

Black Dahlia


New in Town
Hello to all on here -

I stumbled across this place a few days ago when doing a bit of research into finding myself a new hat. I'm stunned that I haven't found it before, and beyond glad that I have now.

I am 32 years of age, and I'm a musician, actor, writer and designer. I've always loved to dress smartly and differently; most bygone eras had better fashions than the stuff around today, and modern stuff simply doesn't suit me as well. I've always been a fan of Edwardian and Victorian dress, and of course the classic 30s-40s look so cherished around here.

It's been a bit of an information overload joining this place; it's a great journey to be on. It's utterly wonderful to see so many well-dressed, good people all chatting in one place, and I look forward to being part of a fantastic online community.



Familiar Face
Hello darlings!

I have been snooping around the lounge for years and years,maybe I am shy..perhaps :)
My favorite era is mainly early 30s but my fashion/make-up style is a mish mash of 20s,30s,40s and 50s and then some.
But when it comes to films,music,interior etc.,1930s is it<3
Other than that:have a bunch of rabbits,inside the house.
The house is a cabin from the 50s,in the forest,very Disney.
My passion is "old" films,especially late 20s and early 30s,preferably very glamorous or anything Colin Clive,he is THE MAN.
At the moment my big project is to figure out how to make a fingerwave hairstyle with braids in the back,my hair is below my bum so it is quite a rubiks cube like quest.
I'll see you around..cheerio for now:coffee:

Lillie Librarie

New in Town
New Orleans, LA
Hello Ladies,

I'm new to lurking around the lounge but my boyfriend (Argee) has been doing it for years and has gotten me addicted. I'm in historic preservation so I've always loved old buildings and furniture, but Argee has expanded my historical horizons into just about everything from the 1930s through the 1950s. I learned to sew from my mom and have developed it into a purse making business with my own little sweatshop, but I have just taken my first foray into vintage dress patterns. My new obsession is vintage hats, mostly because I'm 5'10" with size 11 feet so its just about the only vintage thing that fits me. :) I look forward to learning a lot from you gals (and maybe the guys too).



New in Town
West Coast Canada
Hello all! Thought it would be best if my first post be my introduction..

Grew up partly in Montreal and a small town in west coast Canada. I've always loved anything and everything vintage. Back when I was in highschool, I attempted to go along with what other people were wearing but occasionally my true self would emerge with hats/shoes or any old item that my grandmother had. Now I feel drawn to anything from the past: genealogy, antiques, and clothing.

You know what I've recently noticed about vintage womens dresses? They never put sizes on the dress tags! Why?? I'm thinking it's because they simply had more important things to worry about!

Look forward to being inspired by this place!


New in Town
Houston Tx
Fred H. said:
I'll give you ONE MILLION DOLLARS (said in best 'Dr. Evil' voice) to lose that seriously creepy avatar! ;)

hehehe Perhaps we could come to some sort of arrangement...

Actually have already been considering it, just have to find something...different. That has been my avatar for so long it was just an auto-pilot thing to put it up when I made my profile.


One of the Regulars

I'm Cherry Berlin on the Ministry of Burlesque website, a very English student of German and Russian. I like books and cocktails and grammar and history.

I'm not sure how long I've been into vintage, but I think it was probably inevitable... curves and curls. I like anything '20s to early '60s, music, films, but especially clothes. I always pick themes and then find an outfit to match the theme... a ridiculous but ultimately satisfying way of shopping. Someone on MoB recommended this place, and as I don't get to see burlesque as much any more (moving between where my parents live and where I'm at uni, student-loan pauperdom and insane working hours) I thought it would be nice to be a member of a forum more focused on vintage lifestyle.

OK, I guess if anyone wants to know anything else they can ask!



Familiar Face
Sacramento / Phoenix
Greetings all. I have been a lurker on this site almost since the beginning. Finally set up a profile back in '08 and finally decided to jump in.

I'm a great deal more active at some other online style forums and some may know me under the same user name from those places.

I was also a reader of the late, lamented, Classic Style magazine.

Moving from Phoenix to Sacramento a year ago put me in a suit and tie job again and taking public transit to work has inspired me to indulge in my longtime love of hats.

I had a Golden Gate Panther for several years before the move, but since getting to Sacramento I have added a Bailey Guthrie (Litestraw), a dark brown Country Gentleman Wilton, a straw fedora from J. Crew and a gray Royal Stetson Saxon.

Looking forward to participating more with this site.


New in Town
Salem, MA
Hello all,

I'm brandy-new and thought I would introduce myself. My name is Morgan and I am a Pathologists' Assistant. I first became infatuated with the idea of dressing vintage in regards to my upcoming nuptials this year. We're getting married the day before Halloween and wanted a raging costume party, but still wanted the bridal party to have nice, formal pictures. So we went with a 40's-50's theme.

The next thing I know, I'm buying classic styled clothes and whipping out my grandmother's jewelery and sweater clasps. I'm nowhere near the dedicated vintage-and-retro ladies you all are, but I'd like to be. :)

So far, I'm doing alright on my pincurls, can't do a victory roll to save my life, and bought my first tube of red lipstick. Luckily for me, my aunt is making my wedding dress for me. Being a plus size extreme pear shaped person, I find it very difficult to find any clothes that fit me, let alone vintage stuff. And girls, sewing is just not one of my talents.

That being said, I've seen some of you beautiful ladies at Social Distortion concerts and maybe one day, I can be the one the annoying little girls are jaw-dropping at. See you 'round.



Familiar Face
Dallas, TX
Good Morning,

My name is Charlie and I live in Dallas, Tx. I don't know if I really have a "style" of dress as I tend to mix and match. You might call it an "eclectic look", but I dress in what I like and feel comfortable wearing.

I do have a passion for scarves and ascots. I generally get more comments when I am not wearing one than when I do as they are almost a uniform with me. Unfortuanately summer has arrived and the silk scarves may be taking a holiday without me.

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