No this is not a caught-in-machinery thread, it's a thread wondering aloud what happned to some members who were briefly active, then faded. I know it happens, but with the bumping of the Fedora Discrimination thread I wonder what became of Mr Misanthropy and his Qixotic stance against the misnamed gin mill.
And for that matter what happned to that guy who signed off every post, "Fabulously", and who had a problem confusing Filthy McNasty with something less savoury and certainly not scritable upon this board. He was a larff.
Anybody know?
And for that matter what happned to that guy who signed off every post, "Fabulously", and who had a problem confusing Filthy McNasty with something less savoury and certainly not scritable upon this board. He was a larff.
Anybody know?