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you askedWould you be so kind as to share more details of what you found? What was the lowest to highest?
you askedWould you be so kind as to share more details of what you found? What was the lowest to highest?
A very broad range of pricing. Most do not disclose the felt source but looking at the colours they offer I suspect they offer Winchester but speculative on my part. Hornskov in Denmark and Penman offer Fepsa for sure. These prices are all for Beaver felt and may vary slightly than my posted price due to some hatters charging extra for brim binding, curls etc while others may include some of these features in the basic price. Some websites did not list pricing and are not included on this list.
Lowest to Highest.
Northwest Hats $250
Gannon $275
Dave Brown $300
Falcon Park $350
VS - Art $375
Black Sheep $375
Garrison $450
Penman $450 - $600
Baron $450 - $700 but doesn't specify type of felt
Brass Rooster $525
Hornskov $600
Leon Drexler $600 he gives pricing in Can dollars and this is a rough rounding into US$, might be a bit cheaper
Optimo -Arizona $800
And the winner is!!!!!
Watson Hat Shop $1500 - $2000 Please tell me I am wrong in how I read their price list but this seems accurate to me.
That matchstick guy might be up in this range too but did not bother to seek out his pricing for my own very subjective reasons
I have customs from 6 of these hatters and as my judgement is highly subjective have refrained from reviews of their hats.
I noticed that Alley Kat Hats is not on the list. Although he does not YET have a dedicated website he does have prices listed on his IG page and he just listed his current prices on his dedicated thread on FL. Tim makes a solid product with extreme attention to detail that is 100% handmade (e.g. he hand stitches brim binding etc unlike other hatters which may use specific sewing machines for that task). His prices are posted in his dedicated thread and are competitively priced (need to take into account the added labor when comparing prices between different hatters). I believe his beaver hats are $300; just another data point to add to this list for reference.
+1Tim's an Artist . He makes a great Hat .
I noticed that Alley Kat Hats is not on the list. Although he does not YET have a dedicated website he does have prices listed on his IG page and he just listed his current prices on his dedicated thread on FL. Tim makes a solid product with extreme attention to detail that is 100% handmade (e.g. he hand stitches brim binding etc unlike other hatters which may use specific sewing machines for that task). His prices are posted in his dedicated thread and are competitively priced (need to take into account the added labor when comparing prices between different hatters). I believe his beaver hats are $300; just another data point to add to this list for reference.
I think this merits a Sticky
A very broad range of pricing. Most do not disclose the felt source but looking at the colours they offer I suspect they offer Winchester but speculative on my part. Hornskov in Denmark and Penman offer Fepsa for sure. These prices are all for Beaver felt and may vary slightly than my posted price due to some hatters charging extra for brim binding, curls etc while others may include some of these features in the basic price. Some websites did not list pricing and are not included on this list.
Lowest to Highest.
Northwest Hats $250
Gannon $275
Dave Brown $300
Falcon Park $350
VS - Art $375
Black Sheep $375
Garrison $450
Penman $450 - $600
Baron $450 - $700 but doesn't specify type of felt
Brass Rooster $525
Hornskov $600
Leon Drexler $600 he gives pricing in Can dollars and this is a rough rounding into US$, might be a bit cheaper
Optimo -Arizona $800
And the winner is!!!!!
Watson Hat Shop $1500 - $2000 Please tell me I am wrong in how I read their price list but this seems accurate to me.
That matchstick guy might be up in this range too but did not bother to seek out his pricing for my own very subjective reasons
I have customs from 6 of these hatters and as my judgement is highly subjective have refrained from reviews of their hats.
I agree....the more on this list, the better for everyone!Thanks for the likes. @BobHufford @MichaelR @RJR @DOGMAN Who is maintaining this list, who adds this vendor information to the list?
Someone give them polite nudge, address them, to fix that oversight, get the list corrected, and shoot straight, equivalent to equality amongst all.
WHERE WILL THIS CURRENT LIST OF VENDORS BE MAINTAINED will it be stickied, to page 1, and direct me please to the final draft that shows me on it with everyone, we should all be able to monitor it for accuracy, and share it with ANYONE. (----) Thank you.
Yep...can't think of the name, but someone also that does panama hats and includes doing conversions. There are plenty of hatters. We are lucky to know the ones we have here on the Lounge!There's a Bunch of Hatters not on the List , beside Tim's Alley Kat Hatter , Dry Creek Hatters , 5D Hatters , Davis and Sons Hatters , I can't remember seeing O'Farrell , Gannon , The Last Best West , Stalker Hats , Movie Hats is on FL , ChicagoWayVito , Willamina Hatters , Roy Macky , Worth & Worth , Jaxonbuilt , Montana Peaks Hatters , and I know I've forgotten several more .
There's a girl in Texas I think Bar None Hats , was Catalena Hatters on there ?, Standard Hat Works , ...
Yep...can't think of the name, but someone also that does panama hats and includes doing conversions. There are plenty of hatters. We are lucky to know the ones we have here on the Lounge!
Yes,Tom Gomez does beautiful work.Gomez
Tom Gomez - he makes a killer hatGomez
Ken thanks for the mention. I sometimes feel like the ugly stepchild.
I'll get a Web site soon, as I see a value to having it. But it could take some time. And I'd rather obtain some new block sets and flanges, in reqular oval and long oval before I take that plunge.
I appreciate your words on the Alley Kat methods of construction, bespoke speaking.
The only thing I'm taking a beating on now, is PAYPAL, so rather than increase my price, I'm thinking, I'm going to add those fees in, at final invoice. And I'm discussing this and business in general, with a very educated Excuitve VP, of a very successful Equestrian business of 25 years. He is mentoring me and helping me, and is the truest friend I have, to take this on, flip the entire bill for Art, liner tips and a gross of liners. That was significant money. I'm blessed and he is determined to see me succeed on the next level. I will re-evaluate pricing at that time and do expect to increase prices, it's my full time job and I have overhead as well.
Beaver 100% raw edge. Winchester felt
Cost is $ 300.00
Add a modest 50.00 to that price, for a hand stitched brim bind. Some get 75 machined.
Add a modest $30.00 for a curl
A bound brim, with curl $80.00
Add 15.00 for a wind cord (while available)
So for $350.00 you get a primo build, with a bound edge in Beaver 100%
$235.00 raw edge. WINCHESTER felt. I'll add Tonak, to the list soon, for variety, seeing recent discussions. But I still love Winchester and will still use their Staple Rabbit as well.
Same Ala cart, pricing as above.
Blended fur, and western weight bodies are more costly and will be priced accordingly.
This is my current price listing and it has not changed in a very long time.
Top quality work, please add me to the list so these fine folks find me. Thank you.