I'm 4'10"ft and I rarely wear heels. I rarely do anything to appear taller. There was this formula for calculating some leg ratio length in the Daily Mail last year I think it was and my legs are actually relatively longlol It was a beauty ideal thing and a certain ratio was considered most attractive. So my legs are actually unattractively too longlol I have a high, low waist. A nightmare to dress btw.
fftopic: Sorry, I find it difficult to stay on topic because I write like I talk
The exception was when I was in London but I didn't see any other ladies in heels except for the odd older Italian lady tourists. I thought more women in cities than smaller towns wore heels
Actually, most women in London appear to be walking around in flip-flops!
The exception was when I was in London but I didn't see any other ladies in heels except for the odd older Italian lady tourists. I thought more women in cities than smaller towns wore heels