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nicolasb said:"Antique" heated hat stretchers come up fairly regularly on eBay. I've thought of buying one, but they're always in america, and by the time you factor in the price of the item, shipping of something that weighs 15 pounds or more to the UK, VAT, import duty, courier company stinging you for the privilege of having them collect VAT and import duty from you, and the price of a step-down transformer to convert UK mains voltage to US mains voltage, it's getting a bit pricey.
Maybe I should buy one from these guys: http://www.blockmaker.com/block.html
But you can bet that's an "if you have to ask the price you know you can't afford it" item. :rage:
These guys also sell a "superior hat stretcher" that, so far as I can tell, is not heated for ?Ǭ£359: www.hatblocks.co.uk
However, you could always find a sympathetic hat seller and ask him to stretch it for you. Last time I was in The Hat Centre (18 Stamford Hill, Stoke Newington, London) the owner (Jacob) mentioned that he quite often has customers come in purely to have hats stretched on his - adding (he's very softly spoken, strong jewish accent) "of course, I'm not a professional, so it's at your own risk". (I'd trust him, myself).
Very good and interesting site.
Many thanks, I'll buy an hat stretcher Iwould like the heated one on the first site, I've to ask them the price.
Best regards.