Matt Deckard
Man of Action
- Messages
- 10,046
Marc Chevalier said:Al Quaeda would love those.
Are you kidding... it was their idea!
Marc Chevalier said:Al Quaeda would love those.
Lauren Henline said:Webster says:
Main Entry: cou¬?ture
Pronunciation: k?º-'tur, -'t[UE]r
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Old French cousture sewing, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin consutura, from Latin consutus, past participle of consuere to sew together, from com- + suere to sew -- more at SEW
1 : the business of designing, making, and selling fashionable custom-made women's clothing
2 : the designers and establishments engaged in couture
3 : the clothes created by couture
Marc Chevalier said:We'll have to start pronouncing "Target" in a Frenchy, couture-like way.
"Tar-jay", anyone? lol
wackyvorlon said:... There's a reason for their stuff to be so expensive. It's quality work. You don't buy it for the status, you buy it for the workmanship. It's the same thing as when you buy Church's shoes, or an Hermes tie. You're paying for the quality, not the label.
wackyvorlon said:As for Louis Vuitton. There's a reason for their stuff to be so expensive. It's quality work. You don't buy it for the status, you buy it for the workmanship. It's the same thing as when you buy Church's shoes, or an Hermes tie. You're paying for the quality, not the label.