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Matt, My Leipzig P. & C. Habig Wien had some repair work done to the bow so not totally original but probably close. Mine has a soft hand but the felt is not super pliable. In most cases P. & C. Habig Wien didn't use very pliable felt with their City Dress style Soft Felts. There are exceptions but most have heavier weight felt and are not so pliable. This also applies to post WWII hats. It's probably by design based on what was expected by their customer base but this is only a guess. Also P. & C. Habig Wien sourced felt and from what I know never produced their own felt.You are absolutely right, Steve: your Habig from Leipzig looks very similar to mine - not only in shape, but also in ribbon treatment. I can't see it clearly, but it looks like your bow also has open ends: not really frayed, as usual, but also not folded over - a Habig characteristic? I haven't seen this before from other manufacturers, but there are still too few examples. How does the felt feel on your hat? On my brown one, the surface is incredibly soft and supple, but the comparatively thick felt - especially at the brim - is also not as flexible-soft (stiffer to handle) as I would have expected. The sweat logo ist nearly the same as on your great Habig Homburg:
The picture of the Friedrichstraße/Behrenstraße house in Berlin on your homepage is great - I know it because I had also immediately searched the net again to see if my memory was correct that it had not survived the war. The postcard with the advertisement at night, which you have already shown here, is also great. Unfortunately I can't find a good shot of the corner as it looks today.
I was very lucky to find the P. & C. Habig Wien "Special", P. & C. Habig's "Special Qualität" Reine Handarbeit Berlin Friedrichstr. 82a Homburg. It's in pretty much mint condition and was stored Open Crown so easily dry creases but the Felt is not super pliable but the hand amazingly soft. Again I think this by design based on other examples.
I don't think there is anything left of the original structures in around Friedrichstr. 82a. It's too bad because from what I can remember from WWII photos the buildings were restorable. Probably a combination of politics and money (see the City Palace). That area ended up in the East sector.