Rooster said:Hey Dutchman, you've either been losing more weight or the 'stash makes your face look much thiner, what gives?
Oh, nice hunting sword .....
Fatdutchman said:I've been working on losing more weight...I've kinda hit a brick wall though, and have been at 215, not varying more than a couple of pounds any day, for months. I'd sure like to get 190 or so...
Fatdutchman said:The best time to eat is in the morning and during the middle of the day when you're up and doing things. The worst time is late in the afternoon/evening when you're settled down....but it's easiest for me to not eat in the morning, and HARD to not want to eat in the evening....
This is sooo my problem and what I need to work on...Wesne said:For me the most significant factor was just eating good unprocessed foods, simply prepared, at mealtime, and not eating junk food or eating whatever happened to be lying around (as I had always done growing up when someone else was buying the food).
This time it was more a factor of when and how much I was eating, rather than what I was eating. The when was probably the biggest factor - eating big meals too late in the evening. I also realized that as I get older I can't eat as much as I used to be able to without showing it, but also that I don't really need to eat as much - I just have been getting used to eating somewhat smaller portions. I'm not leaving myself hungry; it's just a matter of changing old habits.
Hey Dutchman [havent been ablw to call you Fat in a while] I am the same way about brims, I just cant wear a short brim. It seems as if I do not have a hat on if the brim is any shorter that 2 1\2.Fatdutchman said:Wesne, I do like that hat. I just can't wear small brims like that...well, maybe it's just because I haven't really tried with the right hat yet.
alphornmaker said:This is my first post on the Fedora Lounge, so be gentle. I've had a beard all my mature life and you'll never see me outside without a fedora. I also have long hair, tied in back. Wearing a fedora, a beard and long hair, dressing in vintage style and wearing a pocket watch is not so much about looking good as about being who I am. I respect the quality of life and the values of past ages. I'm just a vintage guy. I bet many of us here are the same.
I'm also a classical musician by profession. I think I must have been born too late.
Dean said it better than I could have,alphornmaker.deanglen said:Welcome to the Lounge, Alphornmaker (REE-koh-Lahhh!?). Being who you are is a basic Lounge premise. You'll fit right in! Fedoras, eh? Good for you, they are the mainstream of the place. But now you have to tell all about your vinatge gear, from the top down, such as, type of hat, (pictures are most pleasing), and your vinatge wardrobe on the whole. Looking forward to your future in this little corner of the world!