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Excessive posting? ... Interesting.....

Southern California
My first car was a "whale" '82 Buick Riviera...
Meh. You wanna' talk big cars? I give you the 1975 Dodge Royal Monaco, all three tons of it:


Ours had a sunroof, but was otherwise identical to the one in the photo. Worst car I've ever owned, but it wasn't entirely Dodge's fault. The previous owner's son had disabled or removed all of the smog equipment on the big 440 cu V8 engine, and it had to be restored in order for us to register the car. Our mechanic recommended a good shop to do the repairs, but the guy who did the work told me he'd found three different diagrams for that particular engine, none of which worked particularly well. It eventually passed the smog test, but afterwards could barely get up to freeway speeds. Then the rear differential gave up the ghost while I was taking a friend to the airport. It started on the freeway as a high-pitched whine that got louder and louder before it started smoking like a three-story structure fire, but it made it to the airport and made the 32 mile return trip. Apparently, the differential was a common problem with this model because it took our mechanic nine months to repair it; no new parts were available, so he had to piece one together out of junkyard finds that were in worse condition than ours. lol Oh, and the sunroof leaked like a sieve.
Portage, Wis.
Shoulda donated it to me. I love those Monacos. My cousin had a '74.

Exactly! My father in law had one of those well into the 90s and the damned thing ran great---original. Looked bad but ran great. :p And no I did not buy it from him. It was donated. :p

GM stopped making big cars after '76 and they didn't get near that size until the '90s with the B and D bodies becoming boats once again.

An 82 isn't that big. :rofl:

Gregg Axley

I'll Lock Up
Still not that big. :p

Ugly too. :p

No pic for me either. :doh:
I saw one of these at the grocery store a few months ago, and for some strange reason the owner kept it in mint condition.
There's was more square, but there is no mistaking that color scheme.
When I get settled from my trip , I'll download it from my phone.
Wherever that is....

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