JWG said:I say that you can't compare knits that are 60 years old to any modern repro.
grant said:Hi,
I had the knit waist and cuffs replaced on one of my original Bronco A-2s using a set of knits from RMNZ.
Knit replacements were done by Julie at Aero who is a genius at restorations.
MudInYerEye said:ELC's knits are their weak point. Originals in general had considerably heavier, more durable knit components. The Eastman knits "balloon" out rather quickly, and the end up looking much more stretched out than originals did. McCoy's and Buzz knits don't have this problem.
airfrogusmc said:There are allot of original A-2s that have their original knits. Allot of collectors wont buy unless its 100% original.