Trust me on this, come graduation, you'd rather be "that girl who wore really cool clothing" than just another face in the crowd, even if you wear what's popular now. There's always a few of "those" kids like yourself at every high school nowadays, and are usually very highly regarded and well-liked as time goes on. Not saying everyone will like it, but you'll surely stand out. I had a friend who believed he was the reincarnation of John Lennon, and dressed the part every day. 
Oh, and if you've already got a bit of a "rep" (as anything) or have a certain crowd you hang with, don't start doing vintage overnight. Start slow & work into it over time. A nice dress or hairdo one day, etc.
Most important: BE YOURSELF! And be happy with yourself! Don't ever feel like you have to do anything in HS to prove anything to anyone. You're not some counterculture kid with daddy issues or some nerd trying too hard to look cool, you just value the look and tradition of yesteryear. High school is one of the hardest places to try and be the slightest bit different, but you'll appreciate the fact that you did for years to come.
Oh, and if you've already got a bit of a "rep" (as anything) or have a certain crowd you hang with, don't start doing vintage overnight. Start slow & work into it over time. A nice dress or hairdo one day, etc.
Most important: BE YOURSELF! And be happy with yourself! Don't ever feel like you have to do anything in HS to prove anything to anyone. You're not some counterculture kid with daddy issues or some nerd trying too hard to look cool, you just value the look and tradition of yesteryear. High school is one of the hardest places to try and be the slightest bit different, but you'll appreciate the fact that you did for years to come.