cherry lips said:Hey, I want an American passport to Beauty too! (sounds more fun than the regular one)
Seriously though, does Pond's still make a freshener or vanishing cream? Or does anyone else make a vanishing cream? Is it the same as a moisturizer? (Darn, those vintage ads suck me right in...)
Miss Neecerie said:So, who is first to spend 3-5 min slapping their cream smothered face? lol
Oddly enough, you can apparently still get Pond's Vanishing Cream in South Africa and possibly India.(or so it seems based on the google-fu)
Miss 1929 said:I just adore the phrase "creamy spankings" in the ad!
We must all try this. At least it will be... stimulating...
Avalon said:The closest I've found here in the US is Pond's Dry Skin Cream. It's a little heavy for me under makeup (I tend towards oily skin) but at night it's perfect.
Miss 1929 said:I think the big one is for the CC and the little one for the VC by the old ads I have seen.
It's like putting your milk in a glass bottle - silly, but nice!
ginny said:I actually bought an old "cream top" milk bottle to put my locally-produced, organic, non-homogenized milk into. But the inside is not clean, and I can't seem to get it clean, so I gave up. Now it just sits on a shelf, looking cute.
Miss 1929 said:I know it works on glass coffee pots. Put a few ice cubes in it with a handful of salt and agitate (the bottle, not your emotional state). You will be amazed at how much comes off!
Smuterella said:curiosity and a possible money saving perhaps eh Sarah Louise?
perfectredlips said:I just had to add my 2 cents here....I was lurking a few weeks ago and saw this thread...I knew I had cold cream and witchhazel at home so i thought I would give it a go and MAN am I glad I skin has improved more than I can tell you.
I have adult acne and tons of clogged pores....i put the cc on and move it around to loosen my makeup then remove with warm I slather it on again and leave it on for about 3 minutes. I remove it again with a warm washcloth and use 2 cotton balls with withhazel to remove anything left over. I do not use a moistuizer and my skin glows!
So happy I gave this another shot....I use Queen Helene Tripple Whipped Cold Cream....its a dream! Its $5 at Sallys and you get a ton so it lasts a long time.
Thanks ladies!
dahliaoleander said:How do you use it?
Is it an overnight treatment?
Or are you supposed to wash it off?
What does it do?
Is it that stuff women put on and then put cucumber slices over their faces in spas. (Or what little I've seen of spa's from classic movies.)
I don't know what it is. But I'm tempted to think of that old joke when a husband sees his wife in rollers, cucumber over her eyes, and cream on her face and screams bloody murder. lol
Still I might try it. Given, I'm only 17, with sensitive skin (Neutrogena, and Burt's Bees Baby Bee Soap are my friends), and am prone to eczema on my arms and legs. ( I know its a facial thing, I'm just saying.)